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10/24/2018 - 10/24/2018 | Berlin

Perceiving Arctic Change: Climate, Society and Sustainability

Öffentliche Abendveranstaltung (in englischer Sprache) in Berlin im Vorfeld der 2. Wissenschaftsministerkonferenz zur Arktisforschung

The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe.What this means to the environment and people of the Arctic is a major question that will be debated at the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial.

This official side-event aims to raise awareness among Arctic specialists and the general public about the urgent need for important decisions and coordinated action among all nations, be they Arctic neighbouring states or not. It will cover the regional and dynamical aspects of Arctic change, to be followed by presentations of two indigenous personalities from Greenland and the Russian Federation.

A panel discussion with experts including scientists and the indigenous representatives will then be dedicated to the important question of how the co-construction of knowledge can enhance the resilience of the Arctic eco-systems and societies.

Another major issue is the question of how to link more efficiently the wide range of Arctic observations and climate research to foster adaptation in this unique and highly sensitive environment threatened by many new challenges.

This event is organised by the REKLIM research initiative and the UVSQ. Registration is required - please see the organiser's website.

Information on participating / attending:
Entrance free; registration required.


10/24/2018 18:00 - 10/24/2018 22:00

Event venue:

Bremer Landesvertretung, Hiroshimastr. 24
10785 Berlin

Target group:

all interested persons


transregional, national

Subject areas:

Environment / ecology, Geosciences, Oceanology / climate, Social studies

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Ralf Röchert


Kommunikation und Medien

Event is free:


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