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09/07/2006 - 09/08/2006 | OULUN YLIOPISTO

Bio Meets Nano and IT 2006

The 2nd international multidisciplinary conference Bio Meets Nano and IT will be held in Oulu,

7-8 September, 2006

at the Main Building at the Medical Campus of the University of Oulu, Finland.

Bio Meets Nano and IT brings together companies, organisations and research groups with the purpose of enhancing interregional and interdisciplinary collaboration in the fields of biosciences, nanotechnology and information technology.

In 2004, the first Bio meets Nano and IT event was organized by three partner cities, Leverkusen, Halle and Oulu, all strategically aiming to develop biotechnology as a major future commercial sector. This event aims at developing and further strengthening close co-operation, integration and interdisciplinary collaboration between these partners and also other cities.

Bio meets Nano and IT technology partnering event will support joint activities in the bio sector and provide information about the respective strengths of the these communities. The event is closely connected with interdisciplinary activities, especially in the direction of nano and information technology.

The second International Multidisciplinary Conference will be organized
September 7 - 8, 2006 in the Main Building of Medical Campus, University of
Oulu, Finland. Preliminary program is now released and attached.

Bio Meets Nano and IT is composed of seminars, partnering event and poster
presentations. The invited keynote speakers are Dr. Gerald Kada from
Agilent Technologies and Dr. Luke P. Lee, Professor, University of
California, Berkeley. Third plenary lecture is given by Jaakko Pellosniemi,
CEO, Mobidiag Oy, Finland.

Participants are also invited to give presentations or posters under
following topics:
- From miniaturised electronic systems to biosensors
- High throughput technologies and multiple analyses
- Nanosystems and new materials for bio applications
- Computing tools for biosystems
- Transfer of Research to Business.

Partnering event is organized by the IRC network.
For information and registration please visit

Information on participating / attending:
The registration fee covers the seminars, Abstract book, meals and refreshments.
Students: 50 €
Participants from academia: 100 €
Participants from companies: 200 €

Dinner: € 60

A bill can be payed by credit card later.

The partnering event is free of charge for registered and approved participants.

Short seminar presentations will be selected by the organising committee from abstracts submitted by registered participants.
Deadline for abstract submission for presentations is 30th of June and for the posters 4th of August.

The total number of Bio Meets Nano and IT participants will be limited to a maximum of 250 persons.

Kati Takaluoma
Project Coordinator
Bioforum Oulu
Kiviharjuntie 11
FI 90220 Oulu
mobile +358 (0)40 5147737
fax +358(0)207 545879


09/07/2006 - 09/08/2006

Event venue:

Main Building at the
Medical Campus of the
University of Oulu, Finland.

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Biology, Chemistry, Economics / business administration, Information technology, Medicine, Nutrition / healthcare / nursing

Types of events:




Dr. Heinrich Cuypers



Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:


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