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11/29/2007 - 11/29/2007 | Berlin

Protection and Projection: Toward A Politics of Singularities - Vortrag von Samuel Weber (Chicago/ Paris) am Zentrum für Literatur- u. Kulturforschung Berlin

From Hobbes until President Bush and President Sarkozy, the function of the State, and of Politics in general, has been defined in terms of protection. During his campaign for presidency, Sarkozy asserted that "Europe needs protection. And the word 'protection' does not scare me." But in the light of the 'war against terror,' and of the preemptive use of military force that it is used to justify, the question that imposes itself today, is: protection from what and to what end? If protection has been used to define and legitimate the politics of the nation-state, what exactly does such an ideal presuppose? This question can be approached through the work of thinkers such as Jacques Derrida, whose later writings sought to transfer the notion of "auto-immunity" from medical science to politics in order to question the concept of identity that underwrites it: the notion of the "self" and the economy it prescribes. This talk will seek to elaborate certain implications of this Derridean translation-transposition by going back to Walter Benjamin's use of the Freudian notion of "Reizschutz" as a way of describing the genesis both of self-consciousness and of the self. This analysis is conceived of as a first step in the elaboration of alternative ways of thinking politics that would not be informed by what Derrida calls the economy of the self-same: a first step, in short, toward what might be conceived as a Politics of Singularities.

Samuel Weber:
Avalon Professor of Humanities at Northwestern University, Chicago (seit 2001) - Weber lehrte an der FU Berlin sowie an der Johns Hopkins University und war Gastprofessor an den Universitäten Strasbourg, Frankfurt/ M., München, Caen, Gießen und Singapur. Seit 2000 leitet er das "Paris Program in Critical Theory".

Publikationen (Auswahl):
Gelegenheitsziele - Zur Militarisierung des Denkens (Zürich 2006); Theatricality as Medium (New York 2004); Freud-Legende. Vier Studien zum psychoanalytischen Denken (Neuaufl. 2002); Rückkehr zu Freud: Jacques Lacans Ent-Stellung der Psychoanalyse (Wien 22002); Religion and Media (Hg., Stanford 2001); Mass Mediauras: form, technics, media (Stanford 1996).

Information on participating / attending:
Eintritt frei


11/29/2007 20:00 - 11/29/2007 22:00

Event venue:

Zentrum f. Literatur- u. Kulturforschung
Schützenstr. 18
3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308
10117 Berlin

Target group:

Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Language / literature, Law, Politics

Types of events:




Susanne Hetzer


Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZFL)

Event is free:


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