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04/10/2008 - 04/10/2008 | Berlin

DZA Vortragsreihe - 10.04.2008 - 17:30 - Knowledge, wisdom and health at older ages. How knowledge shapes lifestyles and health amongst older people - Dr. Martin Karlsson (Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford)

In der alternswissenschaftlichen und alternspolitischen Vortragsreihe des Deutschen Zentrums für Altersfragen (DZA), Berlin, wird Dr. Martin Karlsson (Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford) am 10.04.2008 um 17:30 zum Thema "Knowledge, wisdom and health at older ages. How knowledge shapes lifestyles and health amongst older people" referieren.

The aim of this project is to analyse the role of knowledge in an individual's production of health. We investigate the importance of various factors which potentially influence an individual's decision to seek health related knowledge, and then estimate what impact such knowledge has on individual health. Using a cross-sectional dataset of middle-aged and old UK residents, we analyse the relationship between health and knowledge in two steps. In a first step, we use a bivariate probit model with health and knowledge as dependent variables. This simple model suggests that knowledge is a more important factor than formal education, and that the propensity to seek knowledge declines with age, at an increasing rate. In a second step, we analyse to what extent the health benefits from health knowledge and formal education are direct, or rather have an impact through changes in lifestyles. Quite counterintuitively, we find that formal education affects health mainly through changes in lifestyles, whereas the direct effect might dominate for health related knowledge.

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  • - Hinweise zu Veranstaltungen des DZA finden sie unter dem Punkt > Service > Veranstaltungen


04/10/2008 17:30 - 04/10/2008 19:00

Event venue:

Manfred-von-Richthofen-Straße 2
Veranstaltungsraum, 3. OG -
12101 Berlin

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars

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Subject areas:

Law, Medicine, Nutrition / healthcare / nursing, Politics, Psychology, Social studies

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Dr. Andreas Motel-Klingebiel


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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