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10/08/2008 - 10/08/2008 | Hamburg

Ilya Altman: The Unknown History of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945

(Vortrag in englischer Sprache)

Dr. Ilya Altman spricht über seine Arbeit beim Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center in Moskau. Der Abend beginnt mit einer Einführung von Professor Hans Heinrich Nolte.

The Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center, founded in Moscow in 1991, was the first established organization in post-Soviet Russia devoted to preserving and disseminating knowledge about the Holocaust. The Center pursues these goals by creating museums and exhibitions, promoting teaching about the Holocaust in the Russian educational system, and collecting evidence and memoirs. Drawing on this work, the lecture will address insights into specific aspects of the Holocaust on the territory of the USSR, including the Kremlin and its attitude to and official Soviet propaganda on the Holocaust and the role of collaborators in the Nazis' mass murder of Soviet Jews.

Moreover, the talk will examine progress and impediments to research conducted in Russia on the Holocaust, such as why not all the archives in Russia have been opened to researchers, and assess whether the topic of the Holocaust has become an integral part of Russian historical literature on World War II in Russia. Finally, collaboration with German historians and the Center's work to prepare an encyclopedia of the Holocaust on the territory of the USSR will be outlined.

Dr. Ilya Altman, historian; co-chairman of the Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center in Moscow

Introduction: Prof. Dr. Hans-Heinrich Nolte, historian; professor (emeritus) for Eastern European history in the Department of History, Leibniz University, Hannover and chairman of the Verein für Geschichte des Weltsystems e.V. (VGWS)

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Bernd Greiner, historian and political scientist; director of the Research Unit: Theory and History of Violence, Hamburg Institute for Social Research; professor in the Department of History, University of Hamburg

Information on participating / attending:
Der Eintritt ist frei.
(Einlass beginnt um 19.30 Uhr)

Eine Voranmeldung ist nicht möglich.
Der Zugang ist rollstuhlgerecht.


10/08/2008 20:00 - 10/08/2008 21:30

Event venue:

Mittelweg 36, 1. Stock, Raum 106.
20148 Hamburg

Target group:

all interested persons

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Subject areas:

History / archaeology, Politics, Social studies

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Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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