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11/07/2008 - 11/08/2008 | Düsseldorf

4th International Conference "REGENERATIVE HEPATOLOGY" of the SFB 575

Molecular and clinical hepatology is a major research focus at the Medical Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf with the Collaborative Research Center "Experimental Hepatology" SFB 575 being a central institution. The Collaborative Research Center organizes international conferences focusing on selected cell biological topics. The 4th International Conference "Regenerative Hepatology" of the SFB 575 will be arranged together with the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of the Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

In recent years the knowledge about liver regeneration and hepatic stem cell biology has expanded extensively. In addition to differentiated hepatocytes and bone marrow cells also resident hepatic stem cell populations were identified to be involved in liver regeneration.

The scientific program of the 4th Conference focuses on basic aspects of Regenerative Hepatology. Scientists of international reputation will make the conference to an exceptional event by their talks, and exciting interdisciplinary discussions can be expected.

Individual poster presentations of the Integrated Research Training Group PhD students will be accessible in the lobby of the academy during the whole conference.

For further information:
SFB 575 Office, Sandra Berger
Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology
Moorenstraße 5, 40225 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49-211-81-04846, Fax +49-211-81-04847

Information on participating / attending:
Please register no later than October 30th, 2008 by mail, phone or fax.


11/07/2008 08:45 - 11/08/2008 15:00

Event venue:

North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of the Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Karl-Arnold Haus der Wissenschaften
Palmenstraße 16
40217 Düsseldorf

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students



Subject areas:

Biology, Medicine

Types of events:




Robert Kekez


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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