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06/17/2009 - 06/19/2009 | Halle/Saale

20 Years of Tran­si­ti­on in Agri­cul­ture: What has be­en achie­ved? Whe­re are we hea­ding?

With an eye to the 20 ye­ar an­ni­vers­a­ry and in­ter­na­tio­nal di­men­si­on of the fall of the Ber­lin Wall, the 2009 IAMO Fo­rum will high­light the eco­no­mic and po­li­ti­cal eco­no­my de­ve­lop­ments in the agri-food sec­tors, chan­ges in agri­cul­tu­ral ru­ral so­cie­ty, na­tu­ral re­sour­ce ma­nage­ment in the CEEC du­ring the last 20 years. Mo­re­over, im­p­li­ca­ti­ons for theo­ry buil­ding and re­se­arch per­spec­tives will be ad­dres­sed.

The ro­le and in­ter­de­pen­den­cies of the va­rious driv­ers and their im­pacts on sta­ke­hol­ders and institu­tions in the tran­si­ti­on pro­cess will be dis­cus­sed from a cross­cut­ting and in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry per­spec­tive. Past ex­pe­ri­en­ces will be sum­ma­ri­zed in­to 'les­sons learnt' and contri­bu­te to fur­ther theo­ry buil­ding. Spe­cial em­pha­sis will al­so be set on de­ve­lo­ping a ba­sis for fu­ture de­ve­lop­ment paths and the re­le­vant chal­len­ges for po­li­ti­cal, eco­no­mic and sci­en­ti­fic ac­tors.

The fall of the Ber­lin Wall in 1989 mar­ked the sym­bo­lic be­gin­ning-of-the-end of cen­tral­ly plan­ned eco­no­mic sys­tems in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe and the for­mer So­viet Uni­on. The tran­si­ti­on pro­cess to mar­ket eco­no­mies and de­mo­cra­tic po­li­ti­cal sys­tems af­fec­ted agri­cul­ture and ru­ral are­as in the­se coun­tries and in­itia­ted mas­si­ve struc­tu­ral chan­ges not on­ly at farm le­vel but al­so wi­t­hin agri­business chains and th­roug­hout the eco­no­my. Howe­ver, the full tran­si­ti­on pro­cess is ta­king lon­ger than pre­dic­ted and the suc­cess ra­te in crea­ting com­pe­ti­tively ori­ented food and agri­cul­tu­ral sys­tems va­ries re­markably bet­ween coun­tries and re­gi­ons. Par­al­lel to the tran­si­ti­on pro­cess, im­portant po­li­ti­cal and eco­nomic chan­ges ha­ve ta­ken place, such as the ent­ry of Cen­tral and Eas­tern Eu­ro­pean Coun­tries in­to the EU and WTO, as well as chan­ges wi­t­hin world agri­cul­tu­ral and food sys­tems such as glo­ba­liza­ti­on and the in­cre­a­sing ver­ti­cal in­te­gra­ti­on of food chains.

The Fo­rum 2009 will be com­bi­ned with a Spe­cial Ses­si­on or­ga­ni­zed by the Eu­ro­pean Re­view of Agri­cul­tu­ral Eco­no­mics (ERAE) and the Eu­ro­pean As­so­cia­ti­on of Agri­cul­tu­ral Eco­no­mists (EAAE). The spe­cial ses­si­on will com­pri­se 3-4 in­vi­ted pa­pers, which will be publis­hed in a Spe­cial Is­sue of the ERAE to­ge­ther with a selec­tion of the best pa­pers pre­sen­ted at the IAMO Fo­rum 2009 that fall wi­t­hin the area co­ver­ed by the ERAE.

For more information see

Information on participating / attending:
The con­fe­rence fee is 150 EUR (for all con­fe­rence ses­si­ons from 17-19 Ju­ne) be­fo­re 15 May 2009 and 200 EUR af­ter this dead­line. Op­tio­nal­ly, a sin­gle day ti­cket is avail­able for 75 EUR if re­gis­te­red be­fo­re 15 May 2009 and 100 EUR af­ter this dead­line. Please register online via


06/17/2009 09:00 - 06/19/2009 18:00

Event venue:

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)
06120 Halle/Saale

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Environment / ecology, Zoology / agricultural and forest sciences

Types of events:




Britta Paasche


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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