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06/17/2009 - 06/17/2009 | Essen

Immigration and the Welfare State

Im Rahmen der Marie-Jahoda-Gastprofessur spricht Prof. Dr. em. Diane Sainsbury, Politikwissenschaftlerin aus Schweden, am 17. Juni im Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut (KWI).

Social policy analysts and comparative research on the welfare state have paid relatively little attention to immigration and immigrants' social rights until fairly recently. The current debate has centered on the welfare state and the challenge of immigration, which is often implicitly framed as a threat to the welfare state. By contrast, this lecture reverses the existing preoccupation with the impact of immigration on welfare states to examine the influence of the welfare state on immigrants' economic well-being and the role of welfare state policies as an instrument of inclusion promoting immigrants' integration.

From this point of departure Prof. Dr. em. Diane Sainsbury discusses the implications of the characteristics of different types of welfare states for the social rights of immigrants. For example, what are the advantages and shortcomings of the Bismarckian type of welfare state for immigrants' social rights compared to the Beveridgean type of welfare state? More specifically, how do immigrants compared to citizens fare in the German welfare state? And how have welfare state retrenchment and restructuring affected immigrants' access to social benefits?

Im Rahmen ihrer Gastprofessur spricht sie im Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut Essen (KWI). Die Marie-Jahoda-Gastprofessur für Internationale Geschlechterforschung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum wird vom KWI Essen gefördert.

Prof. Dr. Diane Sainsbury, Politikwissenschaftlerin mit den Schwerpunkten Wahl- und Partizipationsverhalten der Parteienforschung und der Analyse von Wohlfahrtsstaaten und Sozialpolitik, Universität Stockholm, im Sommersemester 2009 Marie-Jahoda-Gastprofessorin an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Sebastian Wessels, Junior Fellow am Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research (CMR) am KWI, Forschungsprojekt "Autonomie - Handlungsspielräume des Selbst"

Am 26. Juni eröffnet sie die Konferenz "Klasse, Migration, Geschlecht in Bildung und Beruf. Wohlfahrtsstaaten im Vergleich", an der RUB mit dem Vortrag "Gender an migration Regimes in European welfare states in comparative perspective".

Information on participating / attending:


06/17/2009 18:30 - 06/17/2009 19:45

Event venue:

Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, Goethestr. 31
45138 Essen

Target group:

Journalists, all interested persons



Subject areas:

Cultural sciences, Politics

Types of events:




Magdalena Schaeffer



Event is free:


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