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03/29/2010 - 03/31/2010 | Dresden

Workshop Ion Beam Physics

The workshop is generally aimed to highlight the present situation of national ion beam research and to promote cooperation between different research institutes. This year, we intend to have some invited lectures from international experts to put German ion beam physics in perspective on an international scale and to broaden collaborations beyond national borders.

Scientists who are using ion beams in the energy range of eV to several GeV with the purpose of material analysis and modification meet at this annual national workshop. The scope is quite broad - from the development of new nuclear analytics to the discovery of new phenomena of self-organisation.
The workshop is generally aimed to highlight the present situation of national ion beam research and to promote cooperation between different research institutes. This year, we intend to have some invited lectures from international experts to put German ion beam physics in perspective on an international scale and to broaden collaborations beyond national borders.

Conference Topics:
Material analysis and modification by ion beams
o Nanostructures
o Ion Applications
o Ion Beam Analysis
o Swift Heavy Ions

Apart from some invited lectures by international experts, who will amongst others celebrate one of our ageless researchers, Wolfhard Möller, you have defined the scientific program by submitting your contributions!
Invited talks
o Karsten Albe (TU Darmstadt, DE) - Ion beam physics with the computer: From hard coatings to nanostructures
o Harry Bernas (Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et de Spectrométrie des Masse, CNRS, Orsay, FR) - How can ion beams control magnetic and optical nanostructures?
o Flemming Besenbacher (Aarhus University, DK) - Catalytic model systems studied by high-resolution, video-rate Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
o Gunther Dollinger (Universität der Bundeswehr München, DE) - Radio Biology at the ion microprobe SNAKE
o Kai Nordlund (University of Helsinki, FIN) - Potentials, sputtering, and swift ions: Collaboration and interplay with Germany
o Joachim Roth (MPI Garching, DE) - Hydrogen retention in materials: a critical safety aspect in fusion research
o Achim von Keudell (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) - Surface processes in reactive plasmas
The detailed program can be downloaded here

Information on participating / attending:
22nd Mar 2010: Deadline registration
29th-31st Mar 2010: Workshop Ionenstrahlphysik

Following the tradition, there is no conference fee. We hope to cover some of our expenses for the first evening event at FZD (29th March) by sponsoring. On Tuesday evening (30th March), we will organise a joint dinner with a scenic view closer to the city centre. However, we are not sure yet, if everybody might be responsible to pay their own bills.

To make life a lot easier for us, we highly appreciate participants sending their registration before 22nd of March. Please use this WORD template for this purpose. Save the word-file as a unique name like participants_name.doc and send it to


03/29/2010 - 03/31/2010

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Bautzner Landstraße 400
01328 Dresden

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students

Email address:



Subject areas:

Materials sciences, Physics / astronomy

Types of events:




Dr. Christine Bohnet



Event is free:


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URL of this event:


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