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05/25/2010 - 05/27/2010 | Mainz

The World facing Israel - Israel facing the World: Images and Politics

International Conference in Mainz, Germany

Different views and aspects of the State of Israel are in the focus of the international conference "The World facing Israel – Israel facing the World: Images and Politics," organized by the Studienstelle Israel at the Department of Political Science and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Israel at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany in cooperation with the State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate. Minister-President of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate Kurt Beck is the patron of this conference, which will take place from May 25 to May 27, 2010 in the State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate.

The picture of Israel in the world and in the media is deeply influenced by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The fact that is often lost sight of is that Israel - on the one hand - is a central player in this complex conflict, on the other hand Israel maintains a multitude of political, economic, and cultural relations with other countries in the world. Israel established a functioning democracy and is highly developed in terms of economy and technology. How is the State of Israel perceived in the world and how does Israel see other countries? Is a view on Israel without focusing on the Middle East conflict indeed possible? These questions are going to be discussed and analyzed with internationally renowned academics and policy makers.

The conference starts on May 25, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate [Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz]. The opening speech "Israel und der Nahe Osten – Deutsche und Europäische Perspektiven / Israel and the Middle East – Perceptions from Germany and the European Union" will be given by Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, former Federal Foreign Minister of Germany and current leader of the parliamentary group of the Social Democratic Party in the German Bundestag. The sessions on May 26 and 27 will be held at the Alte Mensa of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. Registration is required.

Information on participating / attending:
Please register until May 11 via the form


05/25/2010 - 05/27/2010

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Tuesday, 25 May 2010 - Landtag Mainz
Wednesday & Thursday, 26/27 May 2010 – Alte Mensa, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
55099 Mainz

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, all interested persons



Subject areas:

Cultural sciences, Economics / business administration, History / archaeology, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:




Petra Giegerich


Kommunikation und Presse

Event is free:


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URL of this event:

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