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09/15/2010 - 09/15/2010 | Berlin

"Let's make science metrics more scientific"

The Distinguished Lecture Series of the German Data Forum (RatSWD)

Science entails the expansion of knowledge and its transfer to others.
The RatSWD Distinguished Lecture Series provides a unique platform for discussing knowledge and new ideas. As such, the lectures contribute to the advancement of the social, economic and behavioural sciences in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

At each of our lectures, eminent individuals involved in scientific, administrative or political activities or in some other realm of contemporary significance are asked to present and discuss their views, hypotheses and experiences to a broad audience. This audience is you ? interested individuals from science, politics, the economy and society.

Come along and expand our - and your - knowledge.

All lectures are free and open to the public.

The increased push for accountability in science has led to increasing demand for science metrics. Yet the most common metrics, like the "Journal Impact Factor" or the more recent "Hirsch Index", are deeply flawed. What, however, are the alternatives in a world of science, in which quantitative measures are necessary to assess performance? Finding good answers is critical, since the metrics will profoundly influence the conduct of science.

Julia Lane will discuss the requirements of an internationally consistent rating system for scientific research. She proposes an international strategy for a model that profits scientists, publishers and research funding bodies alike. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) project, in addition to building on new projects, like STAR METRICS, could serve as starting points.

One core issue to developing successful metrics is that they must capture the ways in which scientific knowledge is created, disseminated and adopted, ranging beyond publications and citations to include policy advising and teaching, or even the production of blogs and Youtube videos. But probably the most important issue is to develop scientific incentive structures that engage scientists in the exercise of measurement.

Julia Lane is a former Professor of Economics at the American University, an American Statistical Association Fellow, a research Associate of IZA, the Institute for the Study of Labor, and a Program Director at the National Science Foundation.

Information on participating / attending:
Registration is kindly requested: office(at)

Further information is available from Denis Huschka: dhuschka(at)


09/15/2010 17:00 - 09/15/2010 18:30

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

DIW Berlin
Mohrenstr. 58
1. Etage, Schumpeter Saal
10117 Berlin

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars

Email address:


transregional, national

Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:




Patricia Axt



Event is free:


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