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08/29/2017 - 08/31/2017 | Dresden

Nano-scale Materials

Nanoscale materials are playing an increasing role in materials science and engineering,
they are enabler for high-tech products.

The improved understanding of structure-property relationships of new materials are essential for their applications in many branches. Basic research is needed to investigate structure and properties of advanced materials on scales from product dimensions down to the atomic level. Multi-scale materials characterization and multi-scale modelling are
needed for further materials research and development.

High-resolution analytical techniques are essential for both development and introduction
of new nanotechnologies and thin-film technologies as well as for the integration of advanced materials into high-tech products. Nanoanalysis is more and more needed for process and materials characterization during manufacturing of nanostructured systems and devices as well as for the understanding of the nano-scale microstructure in materials. Therefore, research and development in the field of physical analysis increasingly focused on the study of thin films and nanostructures. Application-specific developments show often that the combination of several analysis techniques is needed to ensure both process control in nanotechnology as well as performance and reliability of new products.

Numerous new developments in the field of nanoanalysis allow the imaging as
well as the structural and chemical characterization of structures in the range
< 100 nm, down to atomic dimensions. The suitability of a technique for research
and development or for process control in manufacturing is determined by the
capabilities and limits of the technique itself, particularly if the technique is destructive
or non-destructive, but also from the time needed for data acquisition
and data analysis (“time-to-data”).

The course will provide knowledge in the field of nanoanalysis. Starting with a
short introduction, new techniques for the characterization of thin films, nanostructures
and nanoparticles will be explained. New results from fundamental research
will be presented, and applicationspecific solutions will be demonstrated
as well. Challenges to nanoanalysis techniques in the industry will be an additional
topic. Special examples for applied studies in micro-, nano- and optoelectronics
as well as in the fields of renewable energies and lightweight construction
will be demonstrated. Nanoanalytical studies at metallic, inorganic-nonmetallic
and organic materials will be reviewed. We are offering a practical half-day lab
training in small groups in one of the following fields of research that should be
chosen by the participant:

• scanning electron microscopy / Focused ion beam
• particle analysis
• scanning probe microscopy.
All lecturers are experienced experts in the field of physical and chemical analysis.

The course is intended for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge in
the field of nanscale materials and nanoanalysis. The subjects covered in this
course extend from fundamentals of materials science and analysis to the current
nanotechnologies and challenges in industry. Scientists, engineers and technicians
working in industry, research and education, who are interested to extend
their knowledge in nanoanalysis, will benefit from this course.

Chairman of the seminar is Prof. Dr. Ehrenfried Zschech, Dresden Fraunhofer
Cluster Nanoanalysis, Germany

Information on participating / attending:
Participation fee for DGM-Members: 1.190 EUR inkl. MwSt.

personal members
DGM-Members, Young Professionals (<30 years old)*: 595 EUR inkl. MwSt.

personal members
Participation fee: 1.290 EUR inkl. MwSt.

Employees of a DGM member company / institute or FEMS member receive a
5% discount on the participation fee

Young professionals participants (<30 years old)*: 775 EUR inkl. MwSt.

* Young professionals´ places will only be assigned if the conference is not to its full capacity. At least three weeks before the conference, participants registered as young professionals will be informed whether participation is possible. In case of high demand, priority will be given to DGM Members, Young Professionals.

The fee includes:
Attendance of the seminar sessions, comprehensive handouts, refreshments
during the coffee breaks, lunch and dinner* (* incl.19% VAT.)


08/29/2017 13:00 - 08/31/2017 13:30

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

The seminar takes place at the Fraunhofer IKTS, Maria-Reiche-Str. 2 and
Winterbergstr. 28 as well as TU Dresden
01277 Dresden

Target group:

Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Materials sciences

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Dipl.-Ing. Fahima Fischer



Event is free:


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