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10/10/2024 - 10/11/2024 | Frankfurt am Main/Germany

Annual Conference 2024: Far Away, Yet So Close: Armed Conflicts in the Transnational Constellation

PRIF’s annual conference 2024 will explore how modern armed conflicts are not only fought in confined geographical areas and embedded in traditional international politics and diplomacy but are also set in complex transnational constellations.

Modern armed conflicts are no longer confined to specific regions; they ripple through
global politics and society. The current war in Gaza illustrates this trend, as the conflict
between Israel and Hamas sparks hostilities across neighboring states and beyond.
Hybrid actors like Hamas operate transnationally, influencing global narratives and
fueling divisions. These conflicts not only ignite violence but also deepen polarization
and radicalization in distant societies, as seen in the surge of antisemitism and anti-
Muslim sentiments across Europe. Even expert communities are not immune, as the
discourse becomes increasingly politicized and antagonistic. On social media, the
conflict is debated in highly polemic and hostile ways, with various platforms also
serving as tools for state and non-state propaganda.

The PRIF Annual Conference 2024 "Far Away, Yet So Close: Armed Conflicts in the
Transnational Constellation“ aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the
transnational dimensions of modern armed conflicts. While the ongoing war in Gaza
serves as a striking example, these phenomena are characteristic of contemporary
conflicts worldwide. The conference will analyze how these conflicts extend beyond
borders, influencing global politics, media, and society. Through a comparative
perspective, the discussions will explore the roles of hybrid actors, the spread of
violence, and the deepening polarization within and across societies, offering insights
into the broader implications of these transnational dynamics.

The PRIF Annual Conference 2024 is sponsored by the German Research Foundation

Thursday, 10 October 2024

1.30–2 p.m. Welcome & Introductory Remarks
Nicole Deitelhoff, PRIF
Claudia Baumgart-Ochse, PRIF

2–3.45 p.m.
Panel 1: Transnational Actors in Armed Conflicts

Chair: Claudia Baumgart-Ochse, PRIF
Élise Féron, Tampere Peace Research Institute: Transnational Support: Diasporas in Conflict
Imad Alsoos, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology: Transnational Armed Actors: Mobilization and Discourse of Hamas
Jo Jakobsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Transnational Private Actors: Multinational Companies in Zones of Conflict
Regine Schwab, PRIF / Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, Leiden University: A Pact with the Devil? Cooperation between Rebels and Jihadists
Discussant: León Castellanos-Jankiewicz, Asser Institute

Armed non-state actors, diasporas, multinational companies, and rebel groups: Many
different types of transnational actors are involved in or affected by violent conflicts.
They operate across national borders, maintain transnational networks, or address a
global audience. In this panel, experts explore the ways in which these actors organize
themselves, secure support structures, build networks and seek to influence discourses.
What kind of strategies do transnational actors employ in order to reach their goals?
How do they connect, cooperate, and communicate?

3.45–4.15 p.m. Coffee Break

4.15–6 p.m.
Panel 2: Transnational Effects of Armed Conflicts

Chair: Regine Schwab, PRIF
Neta Crawford, University of Oxford: Transnational Damages: Climate Costs of Armed Conflict
Felix Bethke / Julian Junk, PRIF: The Gaza War and Radicalization in Germany
Clemens Arzt, Berlin School of Economics and Law: Taming Transnational Solidarity: Gaza and Protest Bans in Germany
Max Schaub, University of Hamburg: Transnational Violent Conflict and the Demand for Healthcare: How Armed Conflict reduces Trust, instills Fear, and increases Child Mortality
Discussant: Irene Weipert-Fenner, PRIF

Armed conflicts cause a variety of effects which do not stop at national or regional
borders. This panel looks at such severe repercussions which may reach well beyond
the original location of violent confrontations. Among these effects are the environmental damages caused by war which have negative consequences for the fight against global warming. In addition, violent conflicts such as the Gaza war may be instrumentalized by groups abroad in order to fuel radicalization; and transnational solidarity protest needs to be dealt with by local authorities. Last but not least, armed conflicts affect healthcare in a profound way as increased child mortality demonstrates - even after hostilities have ended.

6–7 p.m.
Roundtable: Transnationale Effekte des Krieges in Gaza in Frankfurt und
Deutschland (in German)
// Transnational Effects of the War in Gaza in Frankfurt and Germany
Chair: Stefan Kroll, PRIF
Deborah Schnabel, Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
Sabena Donath, Bildungsabteilung des Zentralrats der Juden
Philip Wallmeier, Ziehenschule Frankfurt

The roundtable brings together practitioners of civic education, schools, and representatives of religious and ethnic communities to discuss the repercussions of the Gaza war in a city like Frankfurt, as well as in Germany in general. What are the experiences in dealing with the debate in Germany on a day-to-day basis? And how can civil society confront polarization, animosity, and hate?

Friday, 11 October 2024

9–10.45 a.m.
Panel 3: Armed Conflicts in Transnational Discourses

Chair: Hanna Pfeifer, PRIF
Nahed Samour, Radboud University: Transnational Legal Discourse: Law and Morality in the Gaza War
Laliv Melamed, University of Groningen: Transnational Media Discourse and the Mediation of Human Vulnerability
Maria Hartmann, University of Marburg: Dealing with Political Violence as Post-Migration Society? Transnationalizing Experiences from Syria and GDR through Activist Exchange
Discussant: Thilo Marauhn, University of Gießen / PRIF / Asser Institute

Discourses on armed conflict are increasingly global in reach and often reflect the
antagonism of the conflict parties. Neither media nor academic debates are exempt
from this observation. This panel sheds light on different transnational discourses
such as the legal debate on the Gaza war, the mediation of human vulnerability in
transnational media, as well as the discursive exchange between migrant and non-
migrant communities regarding experiences of political violence. How do different
segments of society speak about war and violence? How do interlocutors use
language in order to shape discourses? And what drives polarization - or may foster

10.45–11.15 a.m. Coffee Break

11.15 a.m.–1 p.m.
Panel 4: Transnational Practices in Armed Conflicts

Chair: Hendrik Simon, PRIF
Alex Dukalskis, University College Dublin: Transnational Reach of States: Authoritarian State Practices
Allison Koh, University of Birmingham: Authoritarian Politics and Transnational Digital Repression
Mona Kanwal Sheikh, Danish Institute für International Studies: Transnational Spread of Violence: Jihadi Mobilization
Hanna Pfeifer, PRIF: Transnational Governance by Armed Groups: The Case of ISIS
Discussant: Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, Leiden University

States and non-state actors employ transnational practices in order to influence the actual course of violent conflict as well as impact global public opinion. Such practices include the repression of (former) citizens abroad, cyber threats, public diplomacy, the intentional spread of violence across borders, financing, provision of weapons, and building transnational governance. This panel will examine transnational practices of
different actors such as authoritarian states and Jihadi groups.

1–2 p.m. Light Lunch

2–3 p.m.
Closing Discussion: Armed Conflicts in the Transnational Constellation

Chair: Claudia Baumgart-Ochse, PRIF
León Castellanos-Jankiewicz, Asser Institute
Neta Crawford, University of Oxford
Nahed Samour, Radboud University
Mona Kanwal Sheikh, Danish Institute für International Studies

Information on participating / attending:
The conference will be held in English at PRIF in Frankfurt. Please register at by October 4, 2023.


10/10/2024 13:30 - 10/11/2024 15:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

PRIF – Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
PRIF – Leibniz-Institut für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
Baseler Str. 27–31
60329 Frankfurt am Main/Germany

Target group:

Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Politics, Social studies

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Dr. Ursula Grünenwald


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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URL of this event:

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