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11.05.2006 - 11.05.2006 | Herzliya

The Negative Influence of the Media on Public Opinion

A conference of the German Innovation Center (GIC) by IDC Herzliya and the Science Center North Rhine-Westphalia about the Influence of the Media

Mass media shape people's world outlook, their forms of cultural identity as well as all processes of communicative exchange. Against the background of this eminent importance of media communication, cultural studies have increasingly concentrated on the history, as well as theory and practice of media communication in recent years. Whereas traditional media research was mainly occupied with technical aspects and empirical or statistical methods, the cultural oriented media research particularly focuses on the interrelation between the history of technological innovations and the different forms of their cultural adaptation, as well as on the social production of meaning through the media.
A sufficient examination of the political, economic, social and cultural problems of today always demands for a reflection upon the role of the mass media as well.
The comprehensive research of Siegfried Zielinski and Reinhold Görling might stand exemplary for an approach that combines general historical and theoretical examination with the concrete analysis of respective media phenomena. Based on the central questions that Zielinski and Görling pose, one can as well develop techniques in order to deal with the strategies of influence and manipulation of modern mass media.


17:00 Gathering at the entrance square of the Arison-Lauder Building

17:30 Greetings
Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, President, IDC Herzliya
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gert Kaiser, President, Science Center North Rhine-Westphalia

17:45 Archaeology of the Media - On Deep Time Relations between the Arts, Sciences and Technologies
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Media Visibility: A Purloined Presence
Dr. Diana Silberman-Keller, School for Multidisciplinary Studies, Beit Berl College

Cultural and Media Studies - Reflecting upon the Importance of the (inter-)Cultural in Current Political and Economic Processes
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Goerling, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf

19:00 Panel Discussion
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski
Dr. Diana Silberman-Keller
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Goerling
Prof. Alex Mintz, Head of the Political Marketing and Decision Making Project, IDC Herzliya
Mrs. Gisela Dachs, Correspondent of the German weekly newspaper "Die Zeit"
Mr. Amos Schocken, Owner and publisher of the daily newspaper "Ha'aretz"
Dr. Ilana Dayan, Moderator of the investigative TV program "Uvdah", Channel 2

Overall Moderation:
Dr. Noam Lemmelshtrich-Latar, Designated Dean of the Sammy Ofer School of Communications and Information, IDC Herzliya

The German Innovation Center (GIC)
The German Innovation Center (GIC) is a new platform for scientific dialogue which the Science Center North Rhine-Westphalia and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya initiated in 2004. Its chief aim is to encourage and facilitate scientific co-operation and exchange of ideas between leading Israeli and German researchers, politicians, intellectuals and artists. Thus Israel's contribution to international dialogue in the fields of science and culture will be accentuated, and co-operative research of the Middle Eastern states and Germany will be intensified. The GIC will mainly be concerned with issues from the fields of cultural, legal and media studies.

A German advisory board of renowned academics is responsible for the scientific supervision under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gert Kaiser (President of the Science Center North Rhine-Westphalia) and in close cooperation with Prof. Dr. Uriel Reichman (President of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya). All activities of the German Innovation Center are coordinated with the Center for European Studies which former Ambassador Dr. Avi Primor has established at IDC Herzliya.

The German Innovation Center is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
The lectures will be delivered in English, the panel discussion will be conducted in Hebrew and English with simultaneous translation.

RSVP tel.: 09-9527621, email:

Please present this invitation to the security staff at the entrance to the IDC Herzliya campus.
Firearms are not permitted on campus.


11.05.2006 17:00 - 21:00


Arison-Lauder Building
The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya
Kanfei Nesharim St., Herzliya
46150 Herzliya


Studierende, Wissenschaftler





Gesellschaft, Informationstechnik, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Politik, Recht





Carolin Grape


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