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26.09.2013 - 28.09.2013 | Potsdam

International Conference: The Energy Crises of the 1970s as Challenges to the Industrialized World

On the fortieth anniversary of the first oil crisis, this conference seeks to assess the significance of the energy transitions of the 1970s for contemporary history in Western and Eastern Europe, and North America.

The conference is hosted by the Centre for Contempory History Potsdam (ZZF Potsdam) in cooperation with Ruhr Universität Bochum (RUB).

With support of Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung.

Current historiography identifies the oil crisis of 1973/74 as a crucial turning point in the development of both Western industrialized nations and the world as a whole. Yet, systematic investigations of its transnational importance for the political, economic, and social history of the 1970s and the following decades remain rare.

Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (Universität Potsdam/ZZF Potsdam)
Dr. Rüdiger Graf (Ruhr Universität Bochum)


Thursday, September 26

1.00-1.30 pm
1.30-2.00 pm
Introduction: Frank Bösch/Rüdiger Graf

I. National Reactions to the Oil Crises

2.00-3.30 pm
Energy and the State in the USA and Western Europe
Chair: Frank Bösch

Robert D. Lifset (Oklahoma): A New Understanding of the American Energy Crisis of the 1970s
Rüdiger Graf (Bochum): Periodization, Petroknowledge, and Sovereignty. The Oil Crisis of 1973/74 in Contemporary History
Nuno Madureira (Lisbon): Planning in the Midst of the Storm: The First Oil Shock in Britain and in France

Coffee Break

4.00-5.00 pm
Alternative Energy Paths in Western Europe
Chair: Frank Bösch

Alain Beltran (Paris): France and the Oil Question: the «Grand Projet» without Europe?
Mogens Rüdiger (Aalborg): The Oil Crisis as a Game Changer in Danish Energy Policy

5.00-6.30 pm
A Different Energy Crisis in the East?
Chair: Klaus Gestwa (Tübingen)

Anna Veronika Wendland (Marburg): Oil Crisis and Nuclear Response in Eastern Europe
Jeronim Perovic/Dunja Krempin (Zurich): The Soviet Union and the Energy Crises of the 1970s

8.00 pm
Conference Dinner (Café Haider, Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 29)

Friday, September 27

II. Changes within the International Order

9.00-10.30 am
Energy and the Cold War Order
Chair: Dirk van Laak (Giessen)

David Painter (Washington): Oil and Geopolitics: The Oil Crises of the 1970s and the Cold War
Frank Bösch (Potsdam): Energy Diplomacy? Eastern and Western Europe after the Oil Crises
Elisabetta Bini (Rome): Oil and the Reshaping of International Relations in the Mediterranean during the Cold War, 1956-1979

Coffee Break

11.00-12.00 am
Reshaping International Organizations
Chair: Dirk van Laak (Giessen)

Henning Türk (Duisburg/Essen): Anti-OPEC or Neutral Consumer Organization? The Establishment of the International Energy Agency 1973/74
Frank Reichherzer (Berlin): Making Energy International. The Trilateral Commission and the Framing of an International Energy Policy

12.00-2.00 pm
Lunch Break

III. Energy Consumption – National and International Patterns
Panel sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center, Munich
Chair: Uwe Lübken

2.00-3.30 pm
Energy, Policy and Consumption
Chair: Uwe Lübken (Munich)

Marina Fischer-Kowalski (Vienna): Learning from the Seventies? Assessing the Impact of Energy Policy on the Marked Stabilization of per Capita Energy Consumption in the early 1970s
Mathias Mutz (Aachen): Daylight Saving = Energy Saving. Time Politics as Crisis Strategy in Germany, France, and the U.S.
Brian Black (Penn State Altoona): Struggling to Green the American Ride: Consumer Culture Meets Petroleum Scarcity in the 1970s

Coffee Break

IV. Economic and Ecological Reactions

4.00-5.30 pm Companies and the Oil Crises
Chair: Ralf Ahrens (Potsdam)

Christopher Kopper (Bielefeld): Primary and Secondary Consequences of the Oil Crisis for Capital Markets and State Debts
André Steiner (Potsdam): Economic Reactions to the Oil Crises of the 1970s in the GDR

Sightseeing /8.00 pm Conference Dinner

Saturday, September 28

9.00-10.30 am
Economic Reactions
Chair: Ralf Ahrens (Potsdam)

Jonathan Kuiken (Boston College): “We are fully aware of the industry’s problems.” The deterioration of the British Government’s relations with British Petroleum and Shell prior to the 1973 Oil Crisis
Hendrik Ehrhardt (Jena): Utility Companies and the Oil Crisis. Electricity Industries in West Germany between Coal and Immission Control
Christian Marx (Trier): “Conflict over the Energy Gap” – Atomic Power and Coal as Solutions to the Crisis? Resources of the German Chemical Industry after the Boom

Coffee Break

11.00-12.00 am
Shaping Spaces: Aftermaths of Exploitation
Chair: Klaus Gestwa (Tübingen)

Valentina Roxo (Munich): Competing Visions: West Siberian Oil, Russian Modernity and Environment
Rania Ghosn (Ann Arbor): The Geographies of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline

12.00-12.30 am
Concluding Remarks and Final Discussion
Chairs: Frank Bösch/Rüdiger Graf

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Judith Koettnitz
ZZF Potsdam
Am Neuen MArkt 1
14467 Potsdam

Phone: +49 331 28 991 57
Fax: +049 331 28 991 40


26.09.2013 ab 01:00 - 28.09.2013 12:30




ZZF Potsdam
Am Neuen Markt 9d
14467 Potsdam







Geschichte / Archäologie, Gesellschaft, Umwelt / Ökologie, Wirtschaft


Konferenz / Symposion / (Jahres-)Tagung




Marion Schlöttke



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