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21.10.2016 - 21.10.2016 | Bogotá

What comes after Habitat III? - HABITAT III FollowUp Conference

The HABITAT III FollowUp Conference is organized by the Industrial University of Santander, the National University of Colombia and the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) from Dresden, Germany. World experts will critically examinate key issues that were left open in the New Urban Agenda and will not be discussed in detail during the Habitat III Conference.

Between the 17th and 20th of October 2016 the Habitat III Conference will take place in Quito, Ecuador. This event will bring together a multitude of politicians, government officials, academics, analysts and researchers on urban issues from all over the world. The last time such a gathering took place was 20 year ago in Habitat II at Istanbul.

The Habitat III Follow-Up Conference will deepen in issues that the New Urban Agenda, under discussion in preparation for the Habitat III Conference, leaves open and invites to search for new alternatives to implement public policies which are consistent with the new urban development conditions in the world.

The most critical issues to be tackled are: the Right to the City, which involves decision-making processes for ensuring access to the benefits of urban life to all citizens, mechanisms to make the Right to Housing possible and the fight against the Segregated conditions in which millions of people leave today.

Another key issue is the discussion about international instruments that guarantee urban development based on a framework of respect for nature and life, in the context of the challenges emerged from the climate change caused by human intervention. Addressing these challenges involves stopping the deforestation in urban areas, implementing urban greening projects, the creation of urban forest reserves, and also the adoption of surface softening policies, broadening green public spaces and the discussion of management policies for public services.

The closeness between Quito and Bogotá allows us to bring together prominent intellectuals and frontline actors in today's global urban life to discuss in depth the above mentioned issues. The event will develop by performing five dialogues in which the panelists will express their points of view regarding the subjects raised by the moderators. The Conference format will give participants enough time to present the complexity of the challenges that lie ahead.

This Quito follow-up invitation has a special value for Colombia, since a post-conflict scenario implies the building-up of a strong and modern democracy, that makes it absolutely necessary to reconsider urban policies.

Everyone is welcome to be an active participant of this follow-up conference, which will be celebrated under the framework of an unprecedented panorama: deep policy changes that may be the hope for achieving a democratic future.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:


21.10.2016 08:00 - 19:00


Centro de Convenciones Alfonso López Pumarejo
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 45 No. 26-85
Sede Bogotá


Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler




Bauwesen / Architektur, Umwelt / Ökologie


Konferenz / Symposion / (Jahres-)Tagung




Heike Hensel


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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