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23.09.2024 15:29

Creating a basis for decision-making: new study on the foresight community

Lovis Krüger Unternehmenskommunikation
DLR Projektträger

    More and more researchers and decision-makers are using foresight methods to better anticipate future developments and make strategic decisions. As part of the EU project “Eye of Europe”, DLR Projektträger has now produced a study on the European foresight landscape.

    The study “Showcasing Perspectives: A Stocktaking of R&I Foresight Practices in Europe” provides a comprehensive overview of the European Research and Innovation (R&I) Foresight landscape. The study is based on a survey of 43 R&I foresight organisations from 16 European countries. It aims to contribute to a stronger networking of the community and to identify best practices in strategic foresight. The study was carried out by DLR Projektträger as part of the Eye of Europe project, a European Commission funded project with leading foresight organisations in Europe.

    Research and Innovation Foresight (R&I Foresight) is a strategic process aimed at anticipating possible future developments. For example, by analysing trends or scenarios, R&I foresight helps decision-makers make informed choices, identify innovation potential at an early stage and develop long-term strategies to proactively address societal challenges.

    European foresight projects cover a wide range of topics

    As part of a survey, foresight stakeholders from across Europe submitted 54 R&I foresight projects. Some of these projects aim to anticipate technological and societal changes in order to inform and strengthen national and regional R&I strategies. Other foresight projects address complex global issues such as climate change, cancer or rare diseases. Other projects analyse new developments, such as digital change and its social and economic impact, or develop and design new products.

    Critical success factors and challenges for R&I foresight projects in Europe

    The experts surveyed identified strong government support, stakeholder involvement and the use of existing expertise as critical success factors for R&I foresight projects. Clear communication of project objectives and transparency of methodology would also help to increase the credibility of project results. Challenges identified by the experts included the mobilisation of the right stakeholders, the difficulty of engaging in long-term thinking and the limited influence of foresight processes on the final decision-making process.

    Trends in R&I foresight

    The study analyses current trends in the use of R&I foresight methods. Key trends include:

    - the integration of AI and machine learning into foresight practices
    - The inclusion of future generations and nature in foresight processes
    - Methods to reduce bias in foresight models

    Weitere Informationen: Study “Showcasing Perspectives: A Stocktaking of R&I Foresight Practices in Europe”


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Wissenschaftspolitik



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