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24.10.2024 13:28

BIGSAS Journalist Award 2024: Award for Outstanding Africa Reporting

Anja-Maria Meister Pressestelle
Universität Bayreuth

    In 2024, for the sixth time, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth is awarding the prestigious BIGSAS Journalist Award, which honors outstanding journalistic contributions to nuanced reporting on Africa in German-language print media. 45 entries were submitted, and a shortlist of 12 articles has already been established.

    Since 2011, the BIGSAS Journalist Award has been given to journalists whose work promotes the deepening of knowledge about Africa in the German-speaking public. The contributions on the 2024 shortlist of the BIGSAS Journalist Award also sharpen awareness of the complex developments and the cultural, political, and societal diversity of the African continent. On November 7, 2024, this year's BIGSAS Journalist Award, endowed with 3,000 euros, will be presented on the campus of the University of Bayreuth. The keynote speech will be delivered by actor Eugene Boateng, with musical accompaniment provided by the grand dame of West African music, Sona Diabaté.

    The winners will be announced on November 7, 2024. Media representatives are cordially invited to the award ceremony on November 7, 2024, at 6:00 PM in H18 NWII, Campus University of Bayreuth. Please register at

    BIGSAS Journalist Award 2024 - Shortlist:

    1. Yves Bellinghausen: "King's Hunt in the Slum", brand eins, November 1, 2023
    Born in 1993 in Cologne, where he grew up. Studied political science and philosophy in Marburg, Frankfurt am Main, Stellenbosch, and Madrid. Local reporter for Oberhessische Presse and editor of the online editorial staff of the 16th year of the Reutlinger Reportage School. Currently a retainer for brand eins and a freelance reporter for DIE ZEIT. Host of the Funk podcast Scambit.

    2. Annick Eimer: "Kiziba's University Graduates", DUZ Magazine for Science and Society, March 25, 2024
    Annick Eimer is a journalist focusing mainly on science and higher education and research policy topics. Since 2022, she has been a retainer at DUZ - Magazine for Science and Society, where she manages international research policy. Annick Eimer holds a diploma in biology. She learned her journalistic skills in the additional course of science journalism at the Free University Berlin and at Spiegel Online. Her contributions have appeared in magazines such as Zeit Wissen, Die Zeit, Spiegel online, Freitag, and on Deutschlandfunk.

    3. Annick Eimer: "Newly Positioned", DUZ Magazine for Science and Society, March 25, 2024

    4. Franziska Grillmeier: "Death at 45 Degrees" (Photos: Vincent Haiges, Katy Fallon), ZEIT X, June 10, 2023
    Franziska Grillmeier, born 1991 in Munich, reports as a freelance journalist from border locations worldwide for ZEIT, taz, Süddeutsche Zeitung, WDR, Guardian, and BBC. Her travels have repeatedly taken her beyond the borders of Europe. She was part of the research collective on the new reception camps "The New Mori" for "ZDF Magazin Royale," and part of the documentary podcast "Memento Moria." Her book "The Island. A Report from the State of Emergency at the Borders of Europe" was published last year.

    5. Fritz Habekuß: "The Sea Rescue", ZEIT Magazine, June 6, 2024
    Fritz Habekuß, born in 1990. Studied science journalism with a focus on biosciences and medicine, internship at SPIEGEL in Washington, D.C., articles for Süddeutsche Zeitung, ZEIT Online, SPIEGEL online. Since 2013 at the weekly DIE ZEIT in Hamburg. Editor for ecology, environment, climate. Focus on foreign reports. Co-author of the non-fiction bestseller "ÜBER LEBEN – Future Question Species Extinction: How We Overcome the Ecocrisis" (Penguin Publishing). Host of the talk series "Entering the Anthropocene" and co-host of the podcast "Wunderkammer." As of September 2024, he will serve as the first global environmental and climate correspondent for DIE ZEIT, based in Nairobi.

    6. Birte Mensing: "With Green Energy into the Future", Frings – the Misereor Magazine, November 2, 2023
    Birte Mensing lives in Kenya and reports as a freelance journalist for various German and European media from East, West, and Central Africa. Previously, she worked in the ZDF Studio Nairobi. She deals with justice issues mainly in politics, economy, and environment. The 30-year-old learned her craft at the Protestant School of Journalism, studied European Governance in Münster and Enschede, Netherlands. Currently, she is expanding her knowledge in the program "African Politics" at the "School of Panafrican Thought," based in London.

    7) Ruona Meyer: "How a Startup in Senegal Manufactures Regional Baby Food and Distributes it via Social Media",, January 27, 2023 Ruona Meyer is a Nigerian-German investigative journalist who reports on social and political topics in West Africa. She is a media trainer with over 19 years of experience in the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany and is currently pursuing a PhD in the field of investigative cross-border journalism. Ruona has been living in Trier, Germany, since 2015 and is a jury member for the Climate Journalism Award of the European Journalism Center and the IJ4EU Freelancer Support Scheme for collaborative teams across Europe. She is Nigeria's first nominee for an International Emmy (2019) for her documentary on cough syrup traders published by the BBC.

    8. Samuel Misteli: "Thousands of Young Kenyans Write Papers for Students in North America and Europe – Now Artificial Intelligence is Ruining Their Business", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 13, 2023
    Born in 1984, raised near Solothurn, Switzerland. Studied history and political science in Basel and Bern. After graduation, a research associate in a project on the history of European-African relations at the University of Lucerne. Visits as a visiting scholar in Berlin and New York. Internships at "NZZ Folio" and in the foreign editorial office in 2016 and 2017. In the spring of 2018, an intern at the daily newspaper "Página Siete" in Bolivia. Since May 2018, a member of the NZZ foreign editorial team with focus areas on South Asia, the Iberian Peninsula, and Latin America. Since October 2021, Africa correspondent in Nairobi.

    9. Paul Munzinger: "Clearing the Path", Süddeutsche Zeitung, March 14, 2024
    Paul Munzinger, born in 1985, studied history and politics and attended the German School of Journalism (DJS). He joined SZ in 2015, where he covered education policy from 2017 to 2023. Since 2023, he has been reporting as a correspondent from Africa. He lives in Cape Town.

    10. Christian Putsch: "Heavy Legacy", WELT am Sonntag, November 19, 2023
    Christian Putsch (45) has been working as an Africa correspondent for 15 years. His deep connection to the continent is reflected in his articles, which appear among others in 'Welt am Sonntag'. These deal with political and social topics. In his work, he strives to understand and convey the stories behind the news to offer a nuanced picture of African realities. He is aware that each research can only be a fragment. His goal is to create a deeper understanding of the complexity of this dynamic continent.

    11. Bettina Rühl: "Ed-Tech in Ghana: Mobile Computer Lab and an App Increase Equal Opportunities at Schools",, April 28, 2023
    Bettina Rühl is a freelance journalist primarily working on Africa. Since April 2011, she has been living in Nairobi, Kenya, and since 2022 again in Cologne. Her features, reports, and stories appear in various ARD radio programs, magazines, and newspapers. For her reporting from and about Africa, she has been awarded multiple times and was honored with the Federal Cross of Merit in 2020. Bettina Rühl is the chairperson of the correspondent network

    12. Bettina Rühl: "Skilled Workers Wanted: A Cologne Company Trains African Programmers for Europe",, November 24, 2023

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Sabine Greiner
    Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence
    University of Bayreuth

    Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4795

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft



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