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27.04.2010 18:27

„Eco4Life“ networks Northern Poland, Lithuania and Germany to boost entrepreneurship

Dr. Heinrich Cuypers General Secretary

    The project “Eco4Life-South Baltic Network for Environmental and Life Sciences to Boost Cross Border Cooperation” will network and bundle competencies in environmental and Life Sciences in the coastal regions of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Klaipeda County. Contact points will be established in each of the regions to build up a regional network and realise vivid cross border cooperation to strengthen entrepreneurship and economy in the South Baltic region. The project was approved on April, 21st by the Steering Committee South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme at their voting in Gdansk/Poland . It has a three year runtime and a volume of 934 TEUR.

    Life Sciences and Environmental Technologies belong to the most promising fields of innovation for the economic development in Europe. The academic centres around the Baltic Sea have earned a lot of expertise in the recent years. Northern Baltic Sea Regions, like Medicon Valley - the Life Science Cluster at the Öresund - have developed into leading life science clusters in Europe. Entrepreneurial development in the South Baltic Sea region is young. Applied research in the academic centers is strong and shows potential for development of a strong Knowledge Based BioEconomy – a key vision stated by EU in her Cologne paper from 2007.

    In the project Eco4Life the partners Pomeranian Medical University of Szczecin in Poland, University of Klaipeda in Lithuania and BioCon Valley Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany are going to promote the regional potential and will bundle their strengths to create a strong and competitive South Baltic Region by mobilizing cross border cooperation in science and business. In particular, the partners will install contact points in the cities of Greifswald, Szczecin and Klaipeda that will document relevant actors and their competencies in the field of life sciences and environmental technologies, organise joint events for researchers, entrepreneurs and local authorities, exchange best practise examples from the Baltic Sea Region, will build up training programmes for entrepreneurs, and develop regional and cross-regional strategies to overcome the existing gaps to Northern Baltic Sea Region.

    The project envisages being a part for the implementation of the “Baltic Sea Health Region Flagship” lead by Germany and Lithuania within the EU-Baltic Sea Region strategy. The project is strongly supported by the local authorities, and young companies and ScanBalt, the life science network in the Baltic Sea Region. The lead partner of the project is BioCon Valley.

    BioCon Valley® GmbH
    Dr. Heinrich Cuypers
    Walther-Rathenau-Str. 49a
    17489 Greifswald
    T +49 3834-515300
    F +49 3834-515102
    M +49 160 475 2583

    Pomeranian Medical University of Szczecin in Poland
    Prof. Jan Lubinski

    Klaipeda University
    Prof. Olga Belous

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Chemie, Medizin, Umwelt / Ökologie, Wirtschaft
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Kooperationen



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