Any institution is eligible to apply for membership to the Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (scientific information service) if it can present evidence that
In order to ensure a high quality standard, members are exclusively permitted to publish scientific content originating from their own institution. Any and all commercial content is prohibited.
Graphics: Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
If you are interested in becoming a member in our service, please contact the our team. To check your qualification for membership, we need conclusive information about your institution – such as links to your website, press releases or your current statutes. We want to get an idea of your institution’s main fields of activity. Please send this information with your request to check your qualifications to The qualification check normally takes about two weeks. There is no legal entitlement to admission to the association.
If we accept your institution, your press relations officer and/or his/her deputy will receive introductory instructions by telephone on how to use the platform We will enter your institution in the membership directory with the contact details of your press office. Finally, the newly admitted institution will sign a declaration of idw membership containing the contractual conditions of cooperation.
The annual membership fees depend on the type of member institution:
From the date of acceptance to the end of the following month, every new member is welcome to test the idw without restrictions and completely free of charge. During this trial period, the membership can be terminated at any time with immediate effect and without stating reasons. After the end of the trial period, termination of membership is only possible to the end of a financial year (effective 31 December in each case). The notice of termination must be given in writing and be received by us at the latest by 31 October of the financial year.
By joining idw, the member institutions undertake, among other things,
You will find all idw members in the membership directory . Please also observe the conditions of use and the data confidentiality declaration. We will send you our association statutes upon request.
Journalists accredited with idw can now access the contact details and information of many hundreds [...]
The Science Year 2025 of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung [...]
You can combine search terms with and, or and/or not, e.g. Philo not logy.
You can use brackets to separate combinations from each other, e.g. (Philo not logy) or (Psycho and logy).
Coherent groups of words will be located as complete phrases if you put them into quotation marks, e.g. “Federal Republic of Germany”.
You can also use the advanced search without entering search terms. It will then follow the criteria you have selected (e.g. country or subject area).
If you have not selected any criteria in a given category, the entire category will be searched (e.g. all subject areas or all countries).