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03/13/2006 - 03/13/2006 | Berlin-Tiergarten

"ScienceMartTM: Understanding the Era of Globalized Commercialized Science

Colloquium with Philip Mirowski

Contemporary concerns about the commercialization of science need to be reconsidered within a historical and conceptual frame that permits a new and different approach to the question of the relationship of science to society. Phil Mirowski proposes a comprehensive view of the activities of science as part and parcel of a larger ensemble of actors, focusing upon the state, the corporate sector, the educational sector, and the 'civil society' agents (foundations, NGOs, citizen groups), all of whom have been concerned with both the financial support and functional organization of scientific research in the past century.

The book is based on one major theoretical premise, and one crucial empirical thesis. The premise is that one must start with a reasonably elaborate specification of how research is funded and organized and disseminated within a particular setting in order to discuss how science does and does not 'work'; and that the nagging worries about strife between science and society can be rendered more comprehensible from within this frame. The empirical thesis is that in America in the 20th century, there have been three relatively distinct regimes of science funding and organization regnant, and each has involved a different alliance of state, corporation, university, and foundation.

While commercialization as such thus is not new to science, distinct forms of commercialization have emerged in the contemporary era of globalization. A broad array of innovations initiated from within the corporate and state sectors is causing a profound reengineering of the university and of the structure of science since 1980. Mirowski scrutinizes recent innovations in intellectual property, industrial R&D, the transformation of the scientific journal, the blurring of authorship, the wrenching deformation of the scientific career, and the commercialization of the university.

Philip Mirowski is Carl Koch Chair of Economics and the History and Philosophy of Science, and Fellow of the Reilly Center, University of Notre Dame. He is author of Machine Dreams (2002), The Effortless Economy of Science? (2004), More Heat than Light (1989), and the forthcoming ScienceMart?: A primer on the new economics of science. His latest research has been undertaken, in part, because the author worries that Science Technology Studies itself is becoming coopted to the modern regime of globalized privatization of science. Mirowksi's book Effortless Economy was awarded the Fleck Prize of the Society for the Social Studies of Science in 2006.

Philip Mirowski is invited by the Research Unit "Internationalization and Organization" and the Project Group on "Science Policy Studies".

Information on participating / attending:
An answer is requested until March 10, 2006 to Inge Weik-Kornecki:


03/13/2006 16:30 - 03/13/2006 19:00

Event venue:

Reichpietschufer 50, Room A 300
10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars

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transregional, national

Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, History / archaeology, Social studies

Types of events:




Burckhard Wiebe


Abteilung Kommunikation

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