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04/28/2017 - 04/28/2017 | Berlin

IT for Leaders

Change your perspective regarding IT: IT decisions are business decisions.

Without doubt, information and communication technology (ICT) is the biggest disruptive force confronting most organizations and their leadership teams today. And it is not just large organizations, but organizations of all sizes including the public sector that are being impacted by the inexorable advances in technology. Most businesses today are – or, at least, are becoming – digital businesses. No industry, it seems, is immune to the realities where business models, business processes, value proposition, customer experiences, products, services and management practices have been or are being transformed by the internet and other digital technologies.

CEOs and their CxO colleagues play a pivotal role in determining whether or not their organizations exploit the innovative opportunities provided by IT. In particular, realizing value from IT requires the leadership team’s attention and oversight. The leadership team sets the tone for IT, and their active participation determines whether their organization optimizes a return from spending on IT. Most don’t seem to understand this, or quite know what they should do. The objective of this one-day booster is to provide guidance for you to successfully navigate the digital landscape.

Of course business executives often feel very exposed when having any conversations to do with IT as they consider themselves not being technically literate. They can certainly be forgiven for being overwhelmed with the never ending stream of new technologies and buzz words that emanate from the IT industry: cloud, apps, big data, analytics, mobility, consumerization, BYOD, social media, smart machines, the internet of things... The easiest response, and perhaps what might seem most logical, is to delegate or more often, abdicate responsibility for anything IT to the chief information officer (CIO) or IT Director. This is a big mistake: IT decisions are fundamentally business decisions.

Information on participating / attending:
Tuition: 1.100 EUR


04/28/2017 09:00 - 04/28/2017 19:00

Event venue:

ESMT European School of Management and Technology GmbH
Schlossplatz 1
10178 Berlin
10178 Berlin

Target group:

Business and commerce


transregional, national

Subject areas:

Economics / business administration

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Bianca Schmitz


Corporate Communications and Marketing

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:

attachment icon Flyer IT for Leaders


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