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12/11/2017 - 12/14/2017 | Gent

Ecology Across Borders

Ecology Across Borders (#EAB2017) is the joint annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), the British Ecological Society (BES), the Dutch-Flemish Ecological Society (NecoV) and the European Ecological Foundation (EEF).

1,500 ecologists from around 60 countries gather in Ghent, Belgium next month for the joint annual meeting ‘Ecology across Borders’. With around 600 talks and 550 posters presented over four days, delegates will showcase and discuss the latest advances in ecological research across the whole discipline.

Journalists are welcome to attend the conference. To request a press pass in advance, please contact
Juliane Röder
GfÖ Pressestelle
Tel: +49 (0) 6421 28 23381

Follow the event on social media #EAB2017

About the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)
The Gesellschaft für Ökologie e.V. (GfÖ) represents ecologists working on basic research, applied aspects and education, mostly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It was founded in 1970 to support exchange among ecologists working on a wide range of topics and positions. The diversity of the society’s over 1,150 members is reflected in the GfÖ’s specialist groups, publications and annual meetings. @GfOe_org

About the British Ecological Society (BES)
Founded in 1913, the British Ecological Society (BES) is the oldest ecological society in the world. The BES promotes the study of ecology through publishing a range of scientific literature, organising and sponsoring a wide variety of events, education initiatives and policy work. The society has over 6,000 members from nearly 130 different countries. For more information, visit @BritishEcolSoc

About the Dutch-Flemish Ecological Society (NecoV)
The Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ecologie (NecoV) was created by the merger of two ecological associations in the Dutch-Flemish language region, and aims to promote fundamental and applied ecology in the Netherlands and in Flanders, to promote national and international cooperation between ecologists, and to promote responsible management of the biosphere. NecoV organises meetings, symposia, seminars, courses, thematic working groups and other ecologically oriented activities.

About the European Ecological Federation
The European Ecological Federation (EEF) is the umbrella organisation representing the ecological societies within Europe and associated members. Instead of an individual membership, application process membership is granted automatically to members of a national society already represented in the EEF. The European Ecological Federation enables cooperation between ecological societies in order to promote the science of ecology in Europe. @EuropeanEcology

Information on participating / attending:
Attendance is free of charge for journalists, You can get your press pass either on site, or contact

Juliane Röder
GfÖ Pressestelle
Tel: +49 (0) 6421 28 23381

Due to the enormous interest in this event, registration had to be closed early for scientific participants for capacity reasons.


12/11/2017 19:30 - 12/14/2017 16:15

Event venue:

Gent ICC - International Convention Center
Citadelpark 1
Van Rysselberghedreef 2 bus 1
9000 Gent

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Biology, Environment / ecology, Geosciences, Zoology / agricultural and forest sciences

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference, Seminar / workshop / discussion




Juliane Röder


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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URL of this event:

attachment icon Joint Annual Meeting of GfÖ, BES, NecoV and EEF


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