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10/04/2018 - 10/05/2018 | Saarbrücken

International Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Testing

The aim of the International Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Testing (SHM-NDT 2018) is to provide an overview of the latest breakthroughs in SHM and NDT and their interactions with various industrial sectors.

Internationally acknowledged experts and researchers in the field of SHM, NDT and data processing will be speaking. The symposium will be a 2-day conference (4th and 5th of October 2018) with oral presentations, poster session and an industrial exhibition.

Industry 4.0 forms an opportunity for a paradigm shift- from traditional Structural Health Monitoring and conventional Nondestructive testing to digital monitoring for process control and optimization. This requires new and intelligent, self-learning sensors. In this context, sensors are viewed primarily as complex systems, such as ultrasound or X-ray computed tomographs, thermography and eddy current sensors or electromagnetic sensors. These systems require an intelligent design and implementation, but the multidimensional and complex data streams generated by those sensors must also be intelligently analyzed using advanced image processing and modern machine learning techniques.

The aim of the International Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Testing is to provide an overview of the latest breakthroughs in SHM and NDT and their interactions with various industrial fields. Internationally acknowledged experts and researchers in the field of SHM, NDT and data processing will communicate about the latest research and development activities.

The symposium provides a forum for end-users, scientists, equipment suppliers and for an interested audience to discuss current scientific topics and to examine products as well as present and future possibilities for SHM and NDT.

The symposium will be a 2-day conference with oral presentations, poster session and industrial exhibition.

Keynote Speakers
Gao Xiaorong, Director of Photoelectric Engineering Institute and Nondestructive Testing Research Center, Chengdu, China
Randolf Hanke, Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP, Saarbruecken, Germany
Valerie Kaftandjian, National Institute of Applied Sciences, INSA-Lyon, France Xavier Maldague, University Laval, Quebec, Canada

Symposium Topics

- Structural Health Monitoring
- NDT sensors, detectors and sources: ultrasound, acoustical emission, X-ray, thermography, eddy currents, EMAT etc.
- Modeling and Simulation
- Reliability, Probability of Detection
- Sensor data fusion
- Reconstruction techniques
- Defect detection & localization methods
- Signal and image processing

Submission of Papers
Participants are invited to submit an abstract in English until 31 March 2018. Please use the template provided on the symposium´s website. Accepted ab-stracts are invited to submit full paper by 01 September 2018. Full papers will be published in, the Web‘s Largest Open Access Database of Nondest-ructive Testing (NDT) ISSN 1435-4934.

For inclusion in the final program and in the conference proceedings, at least one of the authors of accepted papers needs to register until 10 July 2018.

Best Student Award
This award recognizes an exceptional contribution. The best paper authored primarily by a Graduate or PhD student and presented by the student at the symposium will be awarded. The winner will be announced during the gala din-ner. A monetary prize and a certificate will be handed over to the winner.

Technical Program Committee
A distinguished Technical Program Committee (TPC) has been formed to evaluate and provide feedback on abstracts and final papers received, compile the program and chair sessions.

General Chairman
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Osman, htw saar, Fraunhofer IZFP, Germany

Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Osman, htw saar, Fraunhofer IZFP, Germany
Prof. Dr. Bernd Valeske, htw saar, Fraunhofer IZFP, Germany
PD. Dr. Martin Spies, Fraunhofer IZFP, Germany
Hdr. Dr. Philipp Guy, INSA-Lyon, France
Dr. Thomas Monnier, INSA-Lyon, France
Prof. Dr. Valerie Kaftandjian, INSA-Lyon, France
Dr. Ulf Hassler, Fraunhofer EZRT, Germany

Organizing Committee
SHM-NDT 2018 is organized by htw saar in cooperation with FITT gGmbH, IN-SA-Lyon, Fraunhofer IZFP, Fraunhofer EZRT, DGZfP e.V., COFREND and

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2018
Notification of acceptance: May 01, 2018
Final submission for papers: September 01, 2018
Registration opening: May 01, 2018
End of early bird registration: July 15, 2018
Conference dates: October 04-05, 2018

The symposium will take place at the School of Engineering at htw saar, University of Applied Sciences Saarbruecken. htw saar is an application-oriented university with more than 6,000 students and nearly 450 members of academic faculty and administrative staff.

Information on participating / attending:
Registration Information

In order to benefit from the early bird discount, payments should be made before July 15, 2018. Students are kindly asked to register with the registration form and to send a digital copy of the student ID to

Early bird until July 15, 2018
Standard (incl. gala dinner), 400 €
Students (incl. gala dinner), 280 €
Gala dinner for accompanying person, 50 €

Registration fees after July 15, 2018
Standard registration fees (incl. gala dinner), 500 €
Students registration fees (incl. gala dinner), 350 €
Gala dinner for accompanying person, 50 €


10/04/2018 09:00 - 10/05/2018 18:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

htw saar
Gebäude 11
Hohenzollernstraße 115
66117 Saarbrücken

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Electrical engineering, Information technology, Materials sciences, Mechanical engineering, Traffic / transport

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Katja Jung



Event is free:


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URL of this event:

attachment icon SHM-NDT Call for Papers


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