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08/29/2021 - 09/02/2021 | Dresden

ECerS Conference 2021

The XVII Conference of the European Ceramic Society will take place in Dresden, Germany, from August 29 to September 2, 2021. The conference is organized along with the German Ceramic Society DKG e.V. and the Franhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS.

Planned every two years, the ECerS conference series focuses on cutting-edge research and product developments in a wide range of ceramic-related areas, and the technical program provides an opportunity for scientists, researchers, engineers and industry leaders from around the world to present and exchange findings on recent advances in ceramic science and technology. The conference will include Plenary lectures, the ECerS Awards Ceremony, the ECerS Fellowships Ceremony and the Student Speech Contest. The conference is accompanied by an industrial exhibition.

The XVII ECerS Conference will be divided in 9 general topics covering most aspects of ceramic science and technology: Innovative processing and synthesis, high-temperature processes and advanced sintering, modeling of ceramics, advanced structural ceramics, composites and refractories, ceramics and glasses for healthcare, ceramics for energy conversion and storage, functional ceramics, silicate ceramics, ceramics in cultural heritage and art. The symposia have been organized with the help of senior and junior experts from Europe and around the world, providing an inspiring program that will stimulate participation from the global ceramic community. Scientists and specialists from academia, research institutions and industry as well as students are all welcome to attend and share their knowledge and expertise.

Information on participating / attending:


08/29/2021 - 09/02/2021

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

International Congress Center

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students

Email address:



Subject areas:

Chemistry, Energy, Materials sciences, Mechanical engineering

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Dipl.-Chem. Katrin Schwarz


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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