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11/27/2019 - 11/27/2019 | Aachen

Intuitive Partially and Highly Automated Driving

Concepts for Intuitive Driver-Vehicle Cooperation & Interaction at Different Levels of Automation

Fraunhofer IAO, RWTH Aachen, and our partners invite representatives from science and industry to attend a symposium on cooperative control that will also discuss recent and future intuitive concepts for driver-vehicle interaction during periods of partially and highly automated driving. Expert lectures from research and industry are planned for the morning and early afternoon, while the event will be open to the public free of charge in the late afternoon. Some of the concepts presented in the lectures can already be experienced live in state-of-the-art driving simulations during the event.

On the verge of the market launch of conditionally automated vehicles (level 3 according to the SAE International levels of automated driving), and highly automated driving (SAE level 4), driver-vehicle cooperation and interaction is being researched intensively. The role of the user of automated vehicles shifts from that of a driver in the conventional sense to that of a pilot cooperating with and supervising a co-pilot or co-system or, in metaphorical terms, a rider controlling a horse. As automated vehicles gain more and more capabilities, the question arises of how the interplay of ability, accountability and control should be arbitrated between the user and the driving automation.

This event focusses on cooperative control and driving automation with intuitive driver involvement. Besides presentations which give a clear overview of the migration from assisted to partially and highly automated driving, the results of the Vorreiter project will be presented together with our partners at Valeo GmbH (Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH), the Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management, University of Stuttgart (IAT Universität Stuttgart), and the Berlin School of Economics and Law/Berlin Institute for Safety and Security Research (HWR Berlin/FÖPS Berlin). The aim of the Vorreiter project is to develop and investigate steering gestures for partially and highly automated driving, based on a Design for All concept that increases safety and usability for all users, while also enabling special user groups (people with disabilities, senior citizens with limited driving abilities, novice drivers) to drive automated vehicles.

Main Topics:
In the morning and the early afternoon, the event will be accessible exclusively for members of the scientific and industrial community to allow for professional exchange. Expert lectures will be held on the following topics:
Vorreiter project (BMBF-funded): expert lectures on a cooperative driving concept based on the H(orse)-Metaphor – originally developed at NASA – with a focus on inputs via steering wheel as well as alternative actuators
The legal point of view: an outline of current legislation and regulations on the subject of (cooperative) automated driving
Automated driving – a chance to meet the challenge of demographic change? Intuitive interaction concepts for automated driving from the perspective of the elderly.
In the late afternoon, the event will be open to the public free of charge as a form of so-called Citizen Science. Interested citizens will have the chance to listen to short presentations on automated driving (in German) and to experience possible concepts firsthand in state-of-the-art driving simulators.

Frederik Diederichs
Ergonomics and Vehicle Interaction
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Telefon +49 711 970-2266

Information on participating / attending:
The attendance fee for the event is €150 per person. This fee includes entry to presentations, lunch, and refreshments during the breaks.


11/27/2019 10:30 - 11/27/2019 18:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

SuperC of RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 57
52062 Aachen

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Information technology, Traffic / transport

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Juliane Segedi


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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URL of this event:

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