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03/04/2020 - 03/06/2020 | Heidelberg

Conference of Crime and Punishment

The Institute of Criminology of Heidelberg University and the Faculty of Applied Psychology – Legal Psychology of SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, cooperating with Polotsk State University, Republic of Belarus, will host an international criminological conference, titled “Crime and Punishment”, from March 4th to 6th, 2020.

The conference’s main goal is to connect the highly separated spheres of criminological research in Eastern and Western Europe by providing insights into research culture, research projects and their results. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity for academic networking beyond the usual geographical scope. The conference focuses on seven topics. Each topic will be discussed by speakers from Eastern and Western Europe. Participants are invited to join the discussions after the presentations:

1. Victimization within Families and Partnerships
2. Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
3. Cybercrime
4. Expert Witness Testimony
5. Human Rights
6. Sanctions and Measures
7. Effects of Punishment

Keynote talks will be given by Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Kerner (Institute of Criminology, University of Tübingen, Germany), Prof. Dr. Yakov Gilinskiy (Criminal Law Department at Russian State Pedagogical University of Herzen, St. Petersburg, Russia), Prof. Irina Vegera, Ph.D. (Faculty of Law, Polotsk State University, Belarus), and Prof. Dr. Aliaksei Radziuk (Faculty of Law, Polotsk State University).

Information on participating / attending:
Early Bird Ticket (on or before Dec. 20, 2019) 160 EUR

Regular Ticket (from Dec. 21, 2019) 190 EUR

Students incl. PhD-students Ticket 90 EUR

One-Day-Ticket Wednesday, March 04, 2020 75 EUR

One-Day-Ticket Thursday, March 05, 2020 120 EUR

One-Day-Ticket Friday, March 06, 2020 120 EUR

Heidelberg Student Ticket (only for students of Heidelberg University or the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg with a valid student identity card) 0 EUR


03/04/2020 13:00 - 03/06/2020 18:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Neue Universität, Grabengasse/Universitätsplatz Heidelberg
69115 Heidelberg

Target group:

Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Law, Psychology, Social studies

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Janna von Greiffenstern


Kommunikation und Service

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