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01/16/2020 - 01/18/2020 | Hannover

XXXII Annual Meeting of the European Eye Bank Association

The German Society for Tissue Transplantation (DGFG) is hosting the XXXII Annual Meeting of the European Eye Bank Association (EEBA) in the conference venue of Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover from 16-18 January 2020.
Participants will have the opportunity to learn about new developments and to share their experiences in eye banking, tissue donation and corneal transplantation. The target of the Vision 2020 global initiative (to eliminate avoidable blindness) is the central theme.

The Annual Meeting of the EEBA is an important event with a very special meaning for the eye banking community. Over the scheduled three days, participants will have the opportunity to learn about new developments that will help them in their daily activities, to share their scientific and professional experiences and to join forces with fellow specialists to establish and promote better standards of quality and safety. The scientific programme will provide space for discussions on new visions and perspectives and allow for a deeper look into structures and processes in eye banking.

15 CME points have already been approved by the Medical Association of Lower Saxony for the XXXII Annual Meeting.

The target of the Vision 2020 global initiative - to eliminate avoidable blindness - has been chosen as the central theme for the Meeting. The eye banking community contributes to achieving this goal every single day and annually the community is able to help thousands of people to regain their eyesight through sight-restoring corneal transplants.

To show how eye banking and cell and tissue transplantation has contributed to this global initiative, EEBA and DGFG invite national and global nonprofit eye care organizations to join the meeting and to show the guests what they do in their health projects related to blindness, visual impairment and sight restoration. Furthermore, the establishment of sustainable and self-sufficient donation programmes worldwide are important parts of this focus. Improving awareness and understanding of donation practices and systems, as well as training programmes in different European countries, are accordingly highly welcomed. In addition, ethics, interregional and transnational cooperation, eye bank alliances and networks will be important issues to be addressed in overarching sessions. All these are important issues that carry a high responsibility, necessitating transparency and openness in all our activities.

Aligned with the added focus on donation, sufficient time will be set aside for participants to have the possibility to share their leading-edge knowhow in eye banking and corneal transplantation. Quality management, corneal storage methods, microbiological safety and influence of donor characteristics on graft outcome will be featured aspects of the programme and participants are encouraged to share their work through oral and poster presentations. On the exhibition floor, members will have the chance to discover new products and services regarding eye banking.

On top of all this, EEBA and DGFG organise a series of interactive training workshops together with a wetlab, where technicians, physicians and allied eye bank staff will discuss and reflect on important questions on donation, tissue processing and preparation, IT and databanking, and fundraising as well as public relations activities.

Complex processes, clean aesthetics, emotions, microscopic views... - next year's EEBA Annual Meeting also intends to highlight the impressive images and perspectives that the daily work of donation, eye banking and transplantation have to offer. To this end all attending organizations and individuals are warmly invited to actively participate in a photo and art contest to make visible the "The Art of Tissue Donation, Processing and Transplantation" to the EEBA community and beyond.

Information on participating / attending:
Go directly to the online Registration System for the XXXII Annual Meeting of the European Eye Bank Association:

Conference fees after 31 October 2019:
EEBA Members: 420€
Non EEBA Members: 520€
Additional ticket for Gala dinner on Friday 17 January: 110€
EEBA Members - One day Meeting Pass * (valid only for 16 January): 150€
non-EEBA Members - One day Meeting Pass * (valid only for 16 January): 170€


01/16/2020 12:00 - 01/18/2020 14:30

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

The venue for the Meeting is:

Schloss Herrenhausen Hannover
Herrenhäuser Strasse 5
30419 Hannover

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Biology, Medicine, Nutrition / healthcare / nursing, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Kristin Becke


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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