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10/14/2020 - 10/16/2020 | Berlin

Zoonoses 2020 – International Symposium on Zoonoses Research

In cooperation with the Research Network Zoonotic Infectious Diseases the German Research Platform for Zoonoses hosts the International Symposium on Zoonoses Research, which will take place from October 14th - 16th, 2020 in Berlin, Germany.

In response to current developments, the central theme of this year's international symposium will be “Zoonoses and Climate Change”. As in the last years, researchers from all fields of zoonoses research are invited to present their work at the meeting. The agenda includes keynote presentations by well-known colleagues as well as selected talks in parallel sessions and poster presentations covering a broad spectrum of topics such as novel methods, new pathogens, immune response, public health issues, epidemiology, antibiotics, diagnostics, bioinformatics and risc assessment/ modeling among others.

You can contribute to the conference by submitting an abstracts and applying for poster or oral presentation. The conference language will be English.

German Research Platform for Zoonoses
The German Research Platform for Zoonoses is an information and service network for all scientists active in the field of zoonoses research in Germany. It is by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). With more than ten years of experience and over 1000 members, it is an established pillar of the zoonoses research community in Germany. Besides the BMBF, the platform is also supported by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg). One of the three office sites of the platform is located at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute on the island of Riems, Greifswald.

Information on participating / attending:
Target group are scientists and journalists.

Registration is possible online until October 1st 2020.

Abstract submission is open until June 3rd 2020.

The conference fee is 140 € regular rate (postdocs, senior scientists, public health workers, etc.) and 50 € reduced rate (undergraduate students, graduate students, PhD students).


10/14/2020 14:00 - 10/16/2020 14:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Best Western Plus Hotel Steglitz International
Albrechtstraße 2
12165 Berlin

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Biology, Environment / ecology, Medicine, Social studies, Zoology / agricultural and forest sciences

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Dipl.-Biologin Elke Reinking


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:

attachment icon Zoonoses 2020


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