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09/22/2020 - 09/22/2020 | Online

From Crisis to Resilience ‒ How Can We Link Recovery, Sustainability, and Trade?

Embassy of New Zealand in cooperation with the GIGA | Online event

The Embassy of New Zealand, in cooperation with the GIGA, is organising a panel discussion titled "From Crisis to Resilience ‒ How Can We Link Recovery, Sustainability, and Trade?"

As part of the "European Sustainable Development Week", the German Federal Foreign Office coordinates a series of events under the title "Diplomacy for Sustainability" Together with participating embassies and partner organisations, the aim is to send a strong and united statement for sustainable development and to highlight the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Hosted by New Zealand Ambassador Rupert Holborow, we together welcome the panel Vangelis Vitalis (New Zealand Deputy Secretary, Trade and Economic), Professor Amrita Narlikar (President of the GIGA), and Dr. Markus Gehring (Faculty of Law, University of Oxford).

Our contribution is dedicated to Goal 17 Partnerships: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. We will debate the nexus of resilience, trade, and green recovery. Together with our panel and the participants we would like to examine the importance of sustainable international supply chains, inclusive trade agreements, and the role of international cooperation as a way out of the COVID-19 crisis.

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09/22/2020 09:00 - 09/22/2020

Event venue:

Online event

Target group:

all interested persons

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Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Environment / ecology, Politics, Traffic / transport

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Verena Schweiger


Fachabteilung Kommunikation

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