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10/28/2020 - 10/28/2020 | Zoom

Dr. Taina Laajasalo: „Child Abuse Allegations in Custody Evaluations“ | FPFL

Psychologische Hochschule Berlin (PHB) is pleased to announce the first International Symposium on Forensic Psychology in Family Law (FPFL) initiated by Prof. Dr. Jelena Zumbach! The first session will take place on October 28th, 2020 at 18:00-19:30h (UTC+1, Berlin) via Zoom. Dr. Taina Laajasalo (Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, University of Helsinki) will speak about research and case-related experience on „Child Abuse Allegations in Custody Evaluations“.

Information on the session
If allegations of child abuse and neglect are included in child custody disputes, family law professionals face particular challenges. Accurately identifying child maltreatment requires assessing the background, the history and the context of the allegations in order to differentiate confirmed, unfounded, and fabricated allegations. The presentation provides a review of child abuse allegations within the context of child custody disputes. It describes the relevant recent academic research, including studies on substantiation rates, alienation and child interviewing. Furthermore, it emphasizes on how to build research-based practices for dealing with these highly complex and challenging cases.

Speaker’s short bio
Taina Laajasalo, PhD, adjunct professor (title of docent) in Forensic Psychology, has research expertise in issues related to child abuse, child abuse investigations and child behavioural disorders. Her other interests are evidence based mental health promotion and prevention, early intervention and psychological wellbeing of children and families. Currently she works as a chief specialist at the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, aiming to develop child-friendly, evidence-based justice procedures as well as interventions and services for children who have experienced violence. Previously she has worked several years ​as part of a multidisciplinary team, assisting the police and the judicial system in investigations of child sexual and physical abuse as well as consulting and teaching professionals on these matters.

About FPFL
The International Symposium on Forensic Psychology in Family Law (FPFL) has been initiated by Dr. Jelena Zumbach, Assistant Professor of Family Law Psychology at PHB. It is open to anyone who conducts child custody or child protection evaluations, is a researcher in the field, or is generally interested to learn more about the subject.

The symposium will take place via two to three online sessions a year. For each session, we will invite an international speaker on a specific topic. All speakers are internationally renowned researchers with a practical background.

Our most important aim with this symposium is to connect practitioners and researchers in the field from different countries. We would like to discuss problems of practical relevance with you. Sharing case-related experience is encouraged. We want to learn how practitioners from different countries address challenges and how research can contribute to create solutions.

Certified forensic psychologists from Germany can collect training units with their participation. Zertifizierte FachpsychologInnen für Rechtspsychologie BDP/DGPs haben die Möglichkeit mit der Teilnahme Fortbildungseinheiten gemäß Weiterbildungsordnung zu erwerben.

About PHB
Psychologische Hochschule Berlin (PHB) is a state-approved private university specialising in psychological research and the education of psychology and its neighbouring disciplines. The department of Forensic Psychology at PHB offers a post graduate Master´s program in Forensic Psychology (M.Sc.), which prepares graduates for practice in different areas of the professional field.

Information on participating / attending:
The symposium will be taking place via Zoom. Participants will receive further information as well as the login data after registration on:


10/28/2020 18:00 - 10/28/2020 19:30

Event venue:

Psychologische Hochschule Berlin (PHB)
Am Köllnischen Park 2
10179 Berlin

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students

Email address:



Subject areas:

Law, Psychology

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Cornelia Weinberger


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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attachment icon Dr. Taina Laajasalo (Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, University of Helskinki)


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