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09/15/2021 - 09/17/2021 | Dresden

ICICDT - International Conference on IC Design and Technology

The International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT) is the global forum for interaction and collaboration of IC design and technology for "accelerating product time-to-market". Close collaboration of the multi-discipline technical fields design / device / process accelerates the implementation of new designs and new technologies into manufacturing.

ICICDT 2021 will take place from 15 - 17 September, 2021, in a virtual format. It is organized by Fraunhofer IPMS in Dresden.

Issues that require close interaction and collaboration for trade-off and optimization by all design/device/process fields are addressed in this conference. They are:

- Design/device/process optimizations and trade-off for leakage current, power consumption, and noise issues in mixed-signals, large scale IC devices, or design re-use.

- Incorporation of new materials (i.e. dual gate, multi-material active layers, etc.) in IC cell library and design of advanced transistor structures (i.e. Double Gate FDSOI, FinFET, etc.).

- Implementation of IC design and manufacturing process of new device structures (i.e. PDSOI, FDSOI, MRAM, etc.).

- Reduction of process and plasma induced damage or reduction of device/process parameter fluctuation through the optimization of circuit design and layout, device structure, manufacturing process, and semiconductor processing tool.

As IC design and process technology continue to advance for increased performance, lower power, and accelerated time-to-market, the engineering activities, traditionally separated along the boundary of design and process technology, will have difficulties in meeting the shrinking window of product optimization tasks. ICICDT provides a forum for engineers, researchers, scientists, professors and students to cross this boundary through interactions of design and process technology on product development and manufacturing. The unique workshop style of the conference provides an opportunity to technologists and product designers to exchange breakthrough ideas and collaborate effectively. Two days of technical presentations and workshops will be preceded by a one-day tutorial program of value to both the expert and the beginner.

We are excited to see what the unique format looks like as a virtual event. We will keep the tradition that each paper has a short prerecorded presentation available on demand and there will be new ways for posters and Q&A. Be curious!

Information on participating / attending:


09/15/2021 09:00 - 09/17/2021 17:00

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Virtual format

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students

Email address:



Subject areas:

Electrical engineering, Information technology, Materials sciences, Physics / astronomy

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Anne-Julie Maurer


Marketing & Kommunikation

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:

attachment icon ICICDT Call for Papers


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