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08/30/2021 - 09/01/2021 | Frankfurt

ESI Systems Neuroscience Conference 2021 - The Natural Brain

The natural brain: understanding neuronal computation in its natural habitat
This fully virtual conference creates a platform for pluralistic, interdisciplinary perspectives which aim to unify diverse ideas from different but profoundly interconnected disciplines. The conference aims to explore the concept of a natural brain through different lenses: neuroscience, behavior, ecology, art.

Ernst Strüngmann Institute Systems Neuroscience Conference (ESI SyNC) 2021
The natural brain: understanding neuronal computation in its natural habitat

This year’s fully virtual conference will be held from August 30 - September 1. It creates a platform for pluralistic, interdisciplinary perspectives which aim to unify diverse ideas from different but profoundly interconnected disciplines. The goal is to promote research that attempts to study the brain as defined by neuroethological principles, taking into account ecological, rather than anthropomorphized definitions of behavior. The conference aims to explore the concept of a natural brain through different lenses: neuroscience, behavior, ecology, art.

Confirmed Speakers
Elizabeth Buffalo (University of Washington)

Catherine Carr (University of Maryland)

Uri Hasson (Princeton)

Benjamin Hayden (University of Minnesota)

David Leopold (NIMH)

Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL)

Orit Peleg (University of Colorado Boulder)

Nachum Ulanovsky (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Martin Wikelski (Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior)

And a special screening and talk by Jenna Sutela who works with words, sounds, and other living media, including bacteria and the “many-headed” slime mold. Her audiovisual pieces, sculptures, and performances seek to identify and react to precarious social and material moments, often in relation to technology.

Abstract Submission for ESI DataBlitz
10 min. talk + 10 min. Q&A session = ESI DataBlitz
Abstracts are submitted upon registration for the conference or as PDF by email to Each participant is allowed to submit one abstract as first author. Once selected, the participant will be asked to prepare and submit a short 10-minute talk (a DataBlitz), with an additional 10 minute Q&A session. Selected abstracts and talk contributions will be published via the online platform of the virtual conference and will be accessible for all registered participants. The submission deadline is July 15, 2021.

Abstract Format
Abstracts for the ESI DataBlitz should aim to be 300 words. This doesn’t include title, authors, and affiliations. Abstracts should contain an introduction, methods and results sections, and a conclusion, highlighting the significance, novelty, and relevance to the topic of The Natural Brain. All abstracts must be submitted in final form.

Abstract Review
The Abstract Review Committee reviews and rates all submitted abstracts. Reviewers are chosen according to their expertise matching the topic of the submitted abstract.

Information on participating / attending:
There is no registration fee, but places are limited!
Register here:
15 July 2021: Poster submission deadline
15 August 2021: Conference registration deadline
30 August 2021: ESI SyNC starts!


08/30/2021 - 09/01/2021

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

60528 Frankfurt

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students



Subject areas:

Biology, Environment / ecology, Medicine, Philosophy / ethics, Zoology / agricultural and forest sciences

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Katharina Hempel


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:

attachment icon ESI syNC 2021: The Natural Brain


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