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10/11/2021 - 10/12/2021 | Online

Socio-ecological Transformations – Perspectives from Ecological Economics and the MINE-Framework

Joint workshop of Shiv Nadar University (India) and Heidelberg University (Germany) with researchers from Heidelberg University, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR, the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas, IIT Bombay, and ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim.

Greta Thunberg has given the protest for the environment and against the climate crisis a personal face. Her central statement is: "Politics is doing far too little for climate protection. This is irresponsible towards young people." Something new has happened with this: The school strike of the Fridays for Future movement represents a new stage in the struggle to protect and care for the natural foundations of life: Who would have expected the emergence of such a strong and high-profile protest movement before 2019? Suddenly, youth has emerged as an addressee and promoter, indeed as a driving force for a socio-ecological transformation. But what are the characteristics of the much demanded "socio-ecological transformation"? What is being transformed and where is the transformation leading?

The seminar aims to approach these questions step by step and from an interdisciplinary perspective based on the approach of Ecological Economics.
- What are socio-ecological transformations?
- Why is it useful to analyse these transformation processes using an interdisciplinary framework?
- How can such an interdisciplinary framework be developed?
- What perspectives and theoretical dimensions are opened by this approach?

By bringing together perspectives and experiences from interdisciplinary environmental research from India and Germany, the seminar presents options for scholarship and decision making for a sustainable future.

Information on participating / attending:
This workshop is held via Zoom.


10/11/2021 08:00 - 10/12/2021 13:45

Event venue:


Target group:

Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Environment / ecology

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Marietta Fuhrmann-Koch


Kommunikation und Marketing

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