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11/18/2021 - 11/20/2021 | online

Recovery of Aleppo: Law, Architecture and Geodata Management to Revive War-Torn Cities

Syria after Zero Hour: International digital symposium with interdisciplinary approach

The war in Syria began 10 years ago. The Frankfurt Research Institute for Architecture - Civil Engineering - Geomatics (Frankfurter Forschungsinstitut für Architektur • Bauingenieurwesen • Geomatik - FFin) wants to use this date and the international donor conference for Syria (March 2021) as an opportunity to discuss in particular about the recovery of the Syrian city of Aleppo. To this reason Prof. Dr. habil. Fabian Thiel, Professor of Property Valuation at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS), organizes the digital conference “Recovery of Aleppo”, which will take place from 18th to 20 th November 2021. Co-organizer is the Syrian architect and archaeologist Mrs MSc. Rahaf Orabi.

Legal and planning expertise has been lost as a result of the war and is now lacking in local planning departments and building permit authorities. It seeks to gain insights into the revitalization of urban centers in similar conflict regions of the world that are important in terms of building culture and architecture. As reconstruction measures and land transactions have begun after the end of the war, the “zero hour” for comprehensive recovery for ancient cities such as Aleppo has long since passed. However, there is not the slightest reason for resignation – quite the opposite.
This digital conference therefore sees itself as a platform for the collection of strategies that have definitely fallen short in the previous discourse and existing implementation guidelines drawn by donor organizations. It is the combination of law, architecture, planning, (digital) cadaster, data management and 3D multi-sensory geospatial data collection – to name just a few essential tools – for the reconstruction of the building fabric. For this purpose, the conference would like to provide interdisciplinary interested architects, archaeologists, (urban) planners, lawyers und geospatial data manager with approaches for thinking and acting to what extent cooperation strategies and fields of activity are possible for the recovery in Aleppo and other war-ravaged cities. The organizers are also pursuing the goal of supporting the initiation of functioning and sustainable resilient networks.

Date: 18th - 20th November 2021
18th November: 9:15 - 17:00
19th November: 9:00 - 17:20
20th November: 9:00 - 16:00
Location: online, registration link:

Programme (extracts)* -
18th November 2021 (Day 1)

9:15 Welcome Speech
Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Dieter Thiele, Vice President of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
9:45 Opening remarks and introduction
Prof. Dr. Fabian Thiel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and MSc. Rahaf Orabi, Pázmany Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary

Session 1: Law
10:00 Post-War Recovery and Context of the Old City of Aleppo
Thierry Grandin, Architect DPLG, Fresnes, France

11:05 A Multipurpose Cadastral Methodology in Post-Conflict Syria
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maan Habib, Al-Balqa Applied University, Department of Civil Engineering, Amman, Jordan

12:20 Case Studies for Post-War Reconstruction of Monuments and the Urban Fabric
Dr. Nadezda Prokudina, Advisor of the scientific advisory board of the Committee of the Federation Council for Agricultural and Nature Utilization, Moscow, Russian Federation

14:00 Land Law and Land Management as Tools for Recovery
Prof. Dr. habil. Fabian Thiel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Session 2: Architecture and Planning
15:00 Landscape Strategies for a Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Recovery
Prof. Dr. Giulia Annalinda Neglia, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

15:45 Rebuilding Aleppo – Postwar Reconstruction and Home Making
Prof. Dr. Fatina Kourdi, Dr. Sara Al-Nassir, Institute for Urban and Regional Planning, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

16:05 Old Aleppo between Reconstruction and Urban Redevelopment Strategy
Dr. Maan Chibli, Associate Professor of Architecture & Urban Planning, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey

19th November 2021 (Day 2)
Session 2: Architecture and Planning

9:40 The Regional Planning System for Syria: Drafted 2006-2009, Adopted 2010, but waiting for action in practice
Prof. H. Detlef Kammeier, Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, International Consultant, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok

12:40 Recreating Collective Memory: Adjusting to the Memories of the Beirut Blast
MSc. Maria J. Sleiman, Architect, Barcelona, Spain

13:00 Problems and Perspectives of Urban Post-conflict Development
Prof. Kai Vöckler, Offenbach University of Art and Design, Germany

14:15 Physical Isolation and Spatial Injustice: Analytical Study of the Neirab Refugees Camp in Aleppo
MSc. Saleem Shaheen, University of Debrecen, Hungary

14:35 Heritage Conservation for Rebuilding Cities after Crisis
Dalia Mokayed, MSc. Heritage Conservation, Architect, City Planning Department - Los Angeles City, USA.

16:00 Post-war Glimpse of Aleppo
Rahaf Hamwi, PhD Candidate, Pázmany Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hunagry

20th November 2021 (Day 3)
Session 3: Digital Technologies for Architecture, Heritage and Urban Planning

9:00 Digital documentation and 3D databases for the preservation of the memory and the identity of places
Prof. Sandro Parrinello, PhD, Associate Professor at DICAr Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of University of Pavia

11:00 Geospatial Information System: Modelling Approach for Rehabilitation and Management of Water Infrastructure Population Stability, Social Cohesion and Peacebuilding in Post Conflict – Syria
Ahmed Haj Asaad, Co-founder and Director, Geo Expertise, Geneva, Switzerland

13:20 Digital Documentation in the Old City of Aleppo: Approach, Challenges and Opportunities
Rahaf Orabi, MSc., PhD Candidate, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Architect in the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums, Syria

13:40 Data Sources and Strategies for the Remote Assessment of Building Damages
Jonas Peters‐Steinfeld, MSc. and Prof. Dr. Jens Brauneck, Professor for 3D Data Acquisition and Close Range Remote Sensing, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main

15:10 Geophysical Survey and Its Role in The Protection of Heritage, The Site of Qimmat Nibal as an Example
Maysam Yousef, PhD Candidate in Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest

Contact Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences: Faculty 1: Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Prof. Dr. habil. Fabian Thiel, Tel.: +49 69 1533-2788, E-Mail:

Contact Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary: MSc. Rahaf Orabi, PhD. Candidate in Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Tel: +36 30 785-4762, E-Mail:

*Further information and detailed programme for download:

Information on participating / attending:
The digital conference will be held in English. Participation is free of charge, participants need to be registered until 16th November using the following link: Technical information and the link for dial-in (Zoom-Meeting) will be sent after registration deadline.


11/18/2021 09:15 - 11/20/2021 16:00

Event venue:

online (zoom-conference)

Target group:

Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Art / design, Construction / architecture, Geosciences, Law, Politics

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Claudia Staat


Kommunikation und Veranstaltungsmanagement

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attachment icon Programme "Recovery of Aleppo - Law, Architecture and Geodata Management to Revive War-Torn Cities"


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