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04/13/2022 - 04/13/2022 | Berlin

BI Research Colloquium "Social and Private Places of Children after Migratory Experiences"

Every year, hundreds of millions of migrants are on the move.

Deniz Yatağan Baumeister aims to understand the effects of migration on children’s private and social places, to find out what kinds of places they lose or lack, and how they compensate for this.

She examined the roles of culture and environment in this process and looked at how the initial migratory experience and the culture of the ancestors may influence places of subsequent generations.

Deniz Yatağan Baumeister presents her resarch results on this topic at Berlin International during the upcoming Research Colloquium: “Social and Private Places of Children after Migratory Experience" on 13 April 2022.

For this qualitative research, Baumeister interviewed 34 persons from different migrant generations. The in-depth interviews gave a better understanding of the relationship between children and their places, and about desires and needs of migrant children in urban areas.

Additionally, three case studies have been conducted in schools and a day care centre in order to validate the interview findings through the observation of children’s behaviour, which was analysed via behavioural mapping.

The research showed that migration mainly affected children’s private places: Children lost outdoor spaces they used to have, and cultural differences and the shift from rural to urban life kept them from finding replacements. Results also show that these issues persist through generations. Findings suggest spatial features and locations that can give children both with and without migratory backgrounds greater opportunities for the creation of private places.

The research gives an understanding of the influences of culture and environment on children’s places, and it can assist in the design of spaces for children in an intercultural environment.

Information on participating / attending:
Research Colloquium: "Social and Private Places of Children after Migratory Experience"

Guest Speaker: Deniz Yatağan Baumeister

When: 13.04.2022, 11:00 am, CET


The event is of course free of charge.

On-Campus: Berlin International University of Applied Sciences, Salzufer 6, 10587 Berlin
Online: via Zoom


Meeting ID: 815 8633 5086
Passcode: 086817


04/13/2022 11:00 - 04/13/2022 12:30

Event venue:

Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
Salzufer 6
10587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 81 05 80 80
10587 Berlin

Target group:

Journalists, Students



Subject areas:

Cultural sciences, Psychology, Social studies

Types of events:

Presentation / colloquium / lecture




Izabela Ahmad



Event is free:


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URL of this event:

attachment icon Berlin International University of Applied Sciences


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