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09/12/2022 - 09/17/2022 | Budapest

Linking (Art) Worlds: American Art and Eastern Europe from the Cold War to the Present | 2

Traveling Seminar

The art scenes of the postwar United States and Eastern Europe have been rarely viewed within a shared framework. Rather, art history writing has captured the post-war decades in terms of an ultimate difference between artistic styles and cultural politics in the two opposing political blocs. With a view to displacing Cold War-indebted narratives and superseding traditional art history’s center-periphery frameworks, the traveling seminars explore the relationship between American art and events, developments and debates within the art scenes of East, Central and Southeastern Europe during the Cold War and in the post-socialist period. Exploring various »subtexts« defining art making both in North America and Eastern Europe, Linking Art Worlds aims to shed new light on telling differences and tease out hitherto lesser acknowledged parallels, connections, or synchronicities between the U.S. and East European contexts.


Public programs during the Budapest seminar:

12 September, 5 pm
film screening
Miklós Jancsó: Cantata (1963)
Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet (KEMKI), Building “C”
Budapest, Szabolcs u. 33, 1135 Hungary

Ambrus Jámbor, a surgeon of peasant origin, seems to have found his place in society. Social policies of the time favoured him, helping him to acquire a university degree and some cultural capital. One day, however, after an eye-opening workplace experience, he is driven to face his lot and way of life. Losing faith in himself and searching for answers to troubling questions, he visits his father still living in the countryside. Jancsó's early film is one of the most programmatic works of Hungarian modernism and existentialism, exploring the emergence of a new intellectual class of and their perceived loss of roots.


13 September, 6 pm
film screening
Judit Kóthy: A Fiery Autumn in the Cold War (Forró ősz a hidegháborúban, 2006, documentary)
Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet (KEMKI), Building “C”
Budapest, Szabolcs u. 33, 1135 Hungary

This documentary tells the story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution in a global political context. It reviews processes leading up to the Cold War status quo of the post-war years, the peculiarities of the era, and the antecedents of the revolution across the Eastern Bloc. Contemporary documents present the international repercussions of the events and the fall of the revolution, shedding light on the great powers’ political considerations and position-taking.


14 September, 6 pm
Pop Art in the Eastern Bloc? Some examples of cultural transfer
An exchange between Dávid Fehér and Tomas Pospiszyl
Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet (KEMKI), Building “C”
Budapest, Szabolcs u. 33, 1135 Hungary

Inspired by BBC Radio 4’s programme “Only Artists”, this evening exchange brings two art professionals together to talk about their intellectual and creative work. The agenda is theirs, the conversation is free-flowing, and there is no moderator.


17 September, 5.30 pm
book talk with guests
Ksenya Gurshtein & Sonja Simonyi (eds.), Experimental Cinema in State-Socialist Eastern Europe (Amsterdam UP, 2022)
Art Department (Paulay Ede u. 19.)

Was there experimental cinema behind the Iron Curtain? What forms did experiments with film take in state-socialist Eastern Europe? Who conducted them, where, how, and why? These are the questions answered in this volume. Bringing together scholars from different disciplines, the book offers case studies from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, former East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and former Yugoslavia. Together, these contributions demonstrate the variety of makers, production contexts, and aesthetic approaches that shaped a surprisingly robust and diverse experimental film output in the region.

Information on participating / attending:


09/12/2022 18:00 - 09/17/2022 17:30

Event venue:

Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet (KEMKI), Building “C” Budapest, Szabolcs u. 33, 1135 Hungary
1135 Budapest

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students



Subject areas:

Art / design, Cultural sciences, Geosciences, History / archaeology, Social studies

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Virginie Michaels


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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