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10/06/2022 - 10/08/2022 | Halle (Saale)

15th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany: Kinship, Sex, and Biological Relatedness

The contribution of archaeogenetics to the understanding of social and biological relations.

This year’s Archaeological Conference of Central Germany will be devoted to the archaeological and natural scientific possibilities of evaluating kinship and biological relatedness in prehistoric and early historic periods and their impact on a wider field of social sciences.


Thursday, 6 October 2022

Registration opens from 9.30.

10.30 to 10.50
Prof. Dr. Harald Meller (Halle [Saale]/DE), Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause (Leipzig/DE), Dr. Wolfgang Haak (Leipzig/DE), Prof. Dr. Roberto Risch (Barcelona/ES): Opening and introduction.

10.50 to 11.10
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tatjana Thelen (Wien/AT): Consanguinity: a social-anthropological perspective on an European myth.

11.10 to 11.30
Prof. Dr. Catherine Frieman (Canberra/AU): Kin and Connection: bodies and relations in archaeology and ancient genetics.

11.30 to 11.50
Prof. Dr. Walter Pohl (Wien/AT): Genetic clusters, ethnonyms and cultural groupings: problems of interpretation of archaeogenetic results.

11.50 to 12.10
Dr. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury (Wien/AT)*: Mother-child relations in the Central European Bronze Age.

12.10 to 12.30
Dr. Torsten Günther (Uppsala/SE): READ – a method for estimating kinship from ancient DNA and applications to prehistoric Europeans.

12.30 to 14.00 – Lunch break.

14.00 to 14.20
Dr. Harald Ringbauer (Leipzig/DE): Screening for long shared haplotypes in ancient DNA – Inferring close and distant relatives.

14.20 to 14.40
Divyaratan Popli M.Sc. (Leipzig/DE)*: KIN: a method to infer relatedness from lowcoverage ancient DNA.

14.40 to 15.00
Dr. Aylwyn Scally (Cambridge/UK): Graphs and ghosts: connecting genetic ancestry and history.

15.00 to 15.20
Dr. Ronny Friedrich (Mannheim/DE)*: Calibration of 14C-dates using biological kinship.

15.20 to 16.00 – Coffee break.

16.00 to 16.15
Prof. Dr. Kurt W. Alt (Krems/AT): Forschungsgeschichte der biologischen Verwandtschaftsanalyse bis zur Etablierung der Archäogenetik.

16.15 to 16.30
Dr. Christine Neugebauer-Maresch (Wien/AT)*: Verwandtschaft im östlichen Gravettien am Beispiel von Krems-Wachtberg.

16.30 to 16.45
Prof. Dr. Cosimo Posth (Tübingen/DE)*: The genomic profile of Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene European hunter-gatherers.

16.45 to 17.00
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Somel (Ankara/TR): Intramural burials in Neolithic Anatolia: what do they tell about social organisation.

17.00 to 17.30

19.00 to 19.15
Greeting: Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker

19.15 – keynote lecture
Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber (Bayreuth/DE): Multiple relations: anthropological perspectives on parenthood.

Afterwards standing reception.

Friday, 7 October 2022

9.30 to 9.45
Prof. Dr. Harald Meller, Dr. Holger Dietl (beide Halle [Saale]/DE), Dr. Wolfgang Haak (Leipzig/DE), Dr. Jörg Orschiedt (Halle [Saale]/DE): The shaman and the infant. The Mesolithic double burial from Bad Dürrenberg, Germany.

9.45 to 10.00
Dr. Lara Cassidy (Dublin/IE)*: A genomic survey of the Irish Neolithic.

10.00 to 10.15
Dr. Chris Fowler (Newcastle/UK)*: Kinship and mortuary practice at an Early Neolithic chambered tomb in southern Britain.

10.15 to 10.30
Dr. Maïté Rivollat (Ghent/BE)*: Investigating Neolithic social structures on the basis of unprecedentedly large family trees from the site Gurgy ›les Noisats‹ in France.

10.30 to 10.45
Prof. Niels Nørkjær Johannsen (Aarhus/DK): Socioeconomic organization in the Globular Amphora sphere during the earliest 3rd millennium BCE.

10.45 to 11.00

11.00 to 11.30 – Coffee break.

11.30 to 11.45
Prof. Dr. Volker Heyd (Helsinki/FI): A brief survey of kinship and social organization in Bell Beaker Europe.

11.45 to 12.00
Prof. Dr. Joanna Bruck (Dublin/IE): Bronze Age relations: genetics, kinship and gender in Britain and Ireland.

12.00 to 12.15
Dr. Alissa Mittnik (Leipzig/DE)*: Kinship and social structure in the Bronze Age Lech valley.

12.15 to 12.30
Luka Papac M. Sc. (Jena/DE)*: Únětice families in focus: a detailed interdisciplinary investigation of an Early Bronze Age cemetery in Mikulovice, Eastern Bohemia.

12.30 to 14.00 – Lunch break.

14.00 to 14.15
Dr. Vanessa Villalba-Mouco (Leipzig/DE), Dr. Christina Rihuete Herrada (Barcelona/ES), Prof. Dr. Roberto Risch (Barcelona/ES)*: Biological relatedness, kinship and social organization at the Early Bronze Age El Argar site of La Almoloya in southern Iberia.

14.15 to 14.30
Eirini Skourtanioti M. Sc. (Leipzig/DE)*: Marital practices in the Bronze Age Aegean unraveled with aDNA methods.

14.30 to 14.45
Dr. Jens Blöcher (Mainz/DE)*: Insights into family structure and social organization from a Bronze Age Kurgan from the southern Urals.

14.45 to 15.00
PD Dr. Sabine Reinhold (Berlin/DE), Ayshin Ghalici M. Sc. (Leipzig/DE)*: Unrelated? Unexpected kinship structure revealed in Bronze Age burial mounds in the Eurasian Bronze Age.

15.00 to 15.30

15.30 to 15.45 – Coffee break.

15.45 to 16.00
Prof. Dr. Harald Meller (Halle [Saale]/DE), Dr. Wolfgang Haak (Leipzig/DE), Dr. Mirosław Furmanek (Wrocław/PL): Comparison of multiple graves from Corded Ware sites in Eulau, Oechlitz and Szczepanowice.

16.00 to 16.15
Dr. Susanne Friederich (Halle [Saale]/DE), Sandra Penske M. Sc. (Leipzig/DE): Profen – funerary landscape of the final Neolithic.

16.15 to 16.30
Eleftheria Orfanou M. Sc., Sandra Penske M. Sc. (beide Leipzig/DE)*: Burial grounds of the Únětice culture along Saxony-Anhalt’s rivers.

16.30 to 16.45
Sandra Penske M. Sc. (Leipzig/DE), Dr. Mario Küßner (Weimar/DE)*: In the shadow of the princely grave – biological kinship in the Early Bronze Age cemetery of Leubingen, Central Germany.

16.45 to 17.15

19.00 – Reception in the State Museum of Prehistory and visit to the permanent exhibition.

Saturday, 8 October 2022

9.00 to 9.15
Dr. Anton Gass (Berlin/DE): Skythische ›Familien‹ – biologische und/oder soziale Verwandtschaft.

9.15 to 9.30
Joscha Gretzinger (Leipzig/DE)*: Kin and power in Early Celtic communities of southwestern Germany.

9.30 to 9.45
Dr. Stephan Schiffels (Leipzig/DE), Prof. Dr. Roberto Risch (Barcelona/ES)*: Intramural child burials in Iron Age Navarra: how aDNA can contribute to household archaeology.

9.45 to 10.00
Dr. Harald Ringbauer (Leipzig/DE)*: Case study using shared haplotypes in aDNA: kinship practices in Punic contexts.

10.00 to 10.15

10.15 to 10.45 – Coffee break.

10.45 to 11.00
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Eduardo Amorim (Northridge/US): Reconstructing biological kinship in Medieval Europe with ancient DNA.

11.00 to 11.15
Dr. Zuzana Hofmanová (Leipzig/DE)*: Kinship and relatedness during the Avar Age inferred by interdisciplinary archaeogenetic research.

11.15 to 11.30
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Falko Daim (Wien/AT; Halle [Saale]/DE): The Avars in the vicinity of Vienna. New insights by archaeogenetics.

11.30 to 11.45
Laura Lacher M. Sc. (Leipzig/DE)*: Kinship and ancestry in early Medieval Rheinland.

11.45 to 12.00
Rodrigo Barquera M. Sc. (Leipzig/DE)*: The descent of Kukulcan: paleogenomic analyses of a burial from Chichén Itzá.

12.00 to 12.30
Final discussion.

* The person speaks on behalf of the research group.

Information on participating / attending:
The conference fees are 45.00 € per person, reduced 20.00 €.


10/06/2022 09:30 - 10/08/2022 12:30

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Steintor-Campus, Hörsaal I
Adam-Kuckhoff-Straße 35
06108 Halle (Saale)

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students



Subject areas:

Biology, Cultural sciences, History / archaeology, Medicine

Types of events:

Conference / symposium / (annual) conference




Alfred Reichenberger



Event is free:


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