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04/03/2023 - 04/03/2023 | Praha

Prager Vorträge

The Problem of Continental Imperialism: German and Russian Empires in Comparative

Die „Prager Vorträge“ der Prager Außenstellen des Collegium Carolinum und des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, sowie der Deutsch-Tschechischen Plattform GWZO Prag FLÚ wenden sich in erster Linie an tschechische Fachhistorikerinnen und -historiker. Sie sollen helfen, einen Begegnungs- und Kommunikationsort (nicht nur) zwischen tschechischen und deutschen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern zu bilden.
Darüber hinaus bieten die Vorträge auch geschichtliche Informationen und Anregungen für eine breitere interessierte Öffentlichkeit. Auf Grundlage neuer Ansätze und Forschungsthemen mit entweder regionalem, europäischem oder globalem Bezug bildet die Veranstaltungsreihe ein fortlaufendes Diskussionsforum. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen.


Prof. John Connelly (Berkeley)
The Problem of Continental Imperialism: German and Russian Empires in Comparative

The lecture will probe a thesis in comparative imperial history: whether deep historical similarities help explain why Germany and Russia became totalitarian regimes, unleashing unprecedented violence upon the planet. Both countries shared an unusual history: the attempt to make nation state and empire coincide. Arguably, efforts to turn a variety of peoples – Czechs were supposed to be Germans and Ukrainians Russians for instance – into unified nations created explosive energies, but also challenges to legitimacy in a time of supposed national self-determination. Hannah Arendt called these unusually predatory edifices, perennially feeling threats from all directions within and without, “continental empires.” Empire (Reich) was the central organizing concept of all German states attempted after 1806, including the Weimar Republic, and including all the space of the old Reich, but Germany was forced to break with its imperial tradition after 1945. Russia, however, did not, to the contrary. Precisely because of Russia‘s supposed central role in destroying the German Reich – the epitome of historical evil – the legacy of a virtuous and necessary Russian Empire survives into our day.


John Connelly is the Sidney Hellman Ehrman Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He studied Russian and East European Studies at the University of Michigan and International Relations at Georgetown University and received his PhD in History from Harvard University. He is the author of From Peoples into Nations: A History of Eastern Europe (Princeton University Press, 2020), From Enemy to Brother: The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews(Harvard University Press, 2012), and Captive University: The Sovietization of East German, Czech, and Polish Higher Education, 1945-1956 (University of North Carolina Press, 2000).

Information on participating / attending:


04/03/2023 17:00 - 04/03/2023 18:30

Event venue:

Valentinská 91/1 , CZ 110 00 Praha 1
Gebäude SLÚ AV ČR, 3. Stock
110 00 Praha
Czech Republic

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students



Subject areas:

Art / design, Cultural sciences, History / archaeology, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:

Presentation / colloquium / lecture




Virginie Michaels


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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