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10/23/2023 - 10/23/2023 | Sankt Augustin

Digital Image Correlation in Composite Testing

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) plays a growing role in (not restricted to) destructive characterization of structural materials. The advantage lies in the possibility of visualizing large areas for occurring deformations and strains of the object of interest under different loading conditions. The applicability of this non-contact metrology is almost infinite. It is not only used for the determination of material properties or for quality testing in manufacturing but also for test inspection.

Training Chair:

Dr.-Ing. Matthias J. Merzkirch - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Topics and Contents:

The seminar describes theory and application of Digital Image Correlation for selected standardized and common state-of-the-art tests, for the mechanical characterization of advanced fibrous composite laminates under quasi-static loading conditions. In order to obtain accurate and representative material data, it is important being minute and careful when planning, performing, and evaluating experiments. The purpose of this seminar is to provide good practice guidelines for setting up and conducting Digital Image Correlation measurements in conjunction with mechanical testing of planar test specimens in general-purpose laboratory conditions. A brief historical overview will be presented and many inherent difficulties of tensile, shear, flexure, and fracture testing of composite laminates are addressed where pertinent measurement issues are visualized with DIC. The more you see, the less you can hide. Digital Image Correlation offers a new look at old problems of structural mechanics of composite laminates, presenting a detailed insight into mechanical testing of complex materials with anisotropic behavior, which cannot be covered by point measurements.

Topics and Contents:

Introduction and Theoretical Background

Basics of Mechanics of Materials & Standardized Test methods
- Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP)
- Elastic behavior and failure criteria
- Overview of test methods for composite materials

Digital image Correlation (DIC)

- Types of DIC, terms, definitions and specifications
- Patterning techniques and quantification methods
- Measurement uncertainty
- Choice of DIC parameters and settings

Tensile Testing

±45° Laminate Testing
10° Off-axis Testing
DIC Setup/Preparation, DIC measurement uncertainty, data reduction methodologies,
Sensitivity Analyses

V-Notched Specimen Testing

V-Notch beam (aka Iosipescu)
V-Notch Rail
DIC Setup/Preparation, DIC measurement uncertainty, data reduction methodologies,
Sensitivity Analyses

Flexural Testing

Three-point (Interlaminar Shear Strength – ILSS test), Four-point and five-point Short
Beam Shear (SBS) testing
Three-point bending: Determination of elastic properties at larger span-to-thickness
DIC Setup/Preparation, DIC measurement uncertainty, data reduction methodologies,
Sensitivity Analyses

Delamination Resistance Testing

Mode I Double Cantilever Beam (DCB)
Outlook: Mode II End-Notched Flexure (ENF) & Calibrated End-loaded Split (C-ELS)
DIC Setup/Preparation, DIC measurement uncertainty, data reduction methodologies,
Sensitivity Analyses

Information on participating / attending:
This training course is offered via our online platform together with ZOOM.

The book " Mechanical Characterization Using Digital Image Correlation - Advanced Fibrous Composite Laminates" by Dr.-Ing. Matthias Merzkirch will be used as training documents. The e-book is included in the participation fee and will be provided digitally to the participants in advance.


10/23/2023 08:30 - 10/23/2023 17:00

Event venue:

Sankt Augustin

Target group:

Business and commerce, Scientists and scholars

Email address:


transregional, national

Subject areas:

Materials sciences

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Stefan Klein


Kommunikation & Medien

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