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10/25/2023 - 10/25/2023 | Leipzig

"No wobble" - „Нет вобле!”

Russian anonymous street art against war 2022/23 – A virtual exhibition

The exhibition was accompanied and realised jointly by Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe and the Research Centre for Eastern Europe at the University of Bremen.

Curator: Alexandra Arkhipova (FSO Bremen)

The exhibition presents anonymous street art actions that Russians have placed in public space as a spontaneous protest against the Russian aggressive war against Ukraine.
In March 2022, the anthropologist and exhibition curator Alexandra Arkhipova had called on subscribers to her Telegram channel "(Non)entertaining antropology" to document such actions and forward them to her. From the photos sent in by the end of February 2023, Arkhipova and her team selected 476 examples from 48 cities all over Russia.
The aim was not to depict the quantity of protest actions, but their diversity, the creative approaches and the ways in which protest was expressed. They chose "two of each kind", analysed, decoded and contextualized them. They prepared short explanatory texts in Russian and Englisch in such a way that the whole spectrum of civil protest against this war becomes oppressively apparent to the exhibition visitors. In this way, the political, historical and literary contexts of the graffiti and flyers, sometimes unspectacular at firt glance, are revealed even to non-Russians.
This important and unique exhibition gets under your skin by prooving that Russian civil society, whose freedom of expression is suppressed by massive police violence and state propaganda, nevertheless finds highly creative forms of expression to vent its protest and to give itself courage by opposing and critically reflecting the aggressive war with sadness, humour and sarcasm.

Information on participating / attending:
The exhibition opening will take place in hybrid form on 25 October, 15:00 - 16:00 in the conference room (4th floor) of the GWZO, Reichsstr, 4-6, 04109 Leipzig. The presentation language is English.

Live on YouTube:

For digital participation please register via this link:


10/25/2023 15:00 - 10/25/2023 16:00

Event venue:

conference room (4th floor) of the GWZO, Reichsstr. 4-6
04109 Leipzig

Target group:

all interested persons


transregional, national

Subject areas:

Art / design, Cultural sciences, Language / literature, Social studies

Types of events:

Exhibition / cultural event / festival




Virginie Michaels


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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