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03/19/2024 - 03/21/2024 | Berlin (Marienfelde)

Advancing Exposure Science in Europe – today‘s results for a safer future

The 2024 annual workshop of the European Regional Chapter of the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES Europe) will be held in cooperation with the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).

Exposure science is essential to assess possible health or environmental risks in the different regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks. As all parts of our lives, exposure science has also been challenged in the recent years, e.g. by climate change, by growing industrialisation or by technical enhancements, especially connected to artificial intelligence. The 2024 annual workshop of ISES Europe will bring together scientists from all fields of exposure science (dietary exposure, occupational exposure, environmental exposure, consumer exposure, radiation exposure) to share new approaches and results addressing those challenges and contributing to today‘s results for a safer future.

ISES Europe and the BfR invite scientists to present their latest research by oral presentations or posters within the topics:

Advances in exposure modelling
Progress in data generation for refined exposure assessments
Potential of big data and artificial intelligence in exposure assessment
Steps forward to reach informed aggregated exposure assessments
New developments for mixture exposure assessment
New approaches in risk-benefit assessment
Innovative technologies and monitoring (e.g. real-time monitoring, low cost / wearable sensors, non-invasive sampling)
Achievements of exposure science to answer European policy needs
Other exposure related topics

Abstracts can be submitted until 08.12.2023 here:
Please don't forget to register for the workshop even if you submit an abstract!
Places are limited, please register early.

Workshops to follow on the European Exposure Science Strategy roadmap 2020–2030 of ISES Europe will complement the scientific discussions.

The ISES Europe workshop 2024 will provide a unique opportunity to link scientists from multiple disciplines, stakeholders and professionals within Europe.

Information on participating / attending:
The workshop is intended to be on-site in Berlin. For the plenary sessions only, a participation via web conference will be possible.

Registration required.


03/19/2024 - 03/21/2024

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
lecture theater
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
12277 Berlin (Marienfelde)

Target group:

Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Nutrition / healthcare / nursing

Types of events:

Seminar / workshop / discussion




Dr. Suzan Fiack


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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