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12/14/2023 - 12/14/2023 | Online

“Myth Busts” for Ageing Societies: Virtual Press Hour by "FutuRes"

Have you ever caught yourself speaking about “generations” as if they were different species? You are not alone. Labels like “boomers” and “generation X, Y, Z, …” are incredibly popular in public discourse these days. Unfortunately, these labels give us warped ideas about ageing.

Join us to hear more about common misconceptions on ageing - and to ask your questions directly to our experts: register now for our virtual Press Hour.

To counter these myths, the EU-funded “FutuRes” research project is launching the series “Myth Busting for Ageing Societies” (more below). Ageing, our experts explain, is neither “somebody else’s problem” nor is it a “problem” at all. Rather, such ideas are often mere excuses in order to avoid political action.

Join us to hear more about common misconceptions on ageing - and to ask your questions directly to our experts: register now for our “Myth Busting” virtual Press Hour.

Thursday, December 14, 2024, 11.00 – 11.50 am CET
Register here:

We are looking forward to discussing the future with you!

With: Prof. Arnstein Aassve, Bocconi University, “FutuRes” head of research.
Prof. Aassve is one of Europe’s leading experts on crisis resilience with a focus on ageing societies. A demographer, he works with EU policymakers on pressing issues like societal trust and social cohesion.


Ilenia Gheno, Project Manager at AGE Platform Europe.
Ilenia Gheno manages and works on European projects related to topics such as universal design, health and e-health, accessibility, new technologies and ethical research.

“Myth Busts for Ageing Societies”
In each article, our “FutuRes” experts unpack a commonly believed ageing myth and present us with the current research perspective. Are generations really “opposing interest groups”? Is ageing really “expensive”?
See the FutuRes “Myth Busts” here:

“FutuRes – Towards a Resilient Future of Europe” is an EU-funded research project which brings together international experts from demography, economics and social sciences. Based on data evidence and newest research, we deliver policy recommendations for ageing societies.

AGE Platform Europe is the largest European network of non-profit organisations of and for older people. AGE’s vision encompasses an inclusive society, based on well-being for all, solidarity between generations and full entitlement to enjoy life, participate in and contribute to society.

Contact: Peter Weissenburger, Population Europe

Disclaimer: Futures is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Agreement n° 101094741. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them."

Information on participating / attending:
The press hour will present our experts, then open for questions from the participants. Please note that registration is needed.


12/14/2023 11:00 - 12/14/2023 11:50

Registration deadline:


Event venue:

GDPR-compliant "zoom" room, hosted by the Max Planck Society

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Economics / business administration, Media and communication sciences, Medicine, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:

Press conferences




Andreas Edel



Event is free:


Language of the text:


URL of this event:

attachment icon We can afford to get older


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