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04/24/2005 - 04/29/2005 | Wien

European Geosciences Union, General Assembly

Die EGU General Assembly 2005 begruesst Erd- und Planetwissenschaftler aus ganz Europa und weltweit. Es ist die gegenwärtig groesste und wichtichste geowissenschaftliche Veranstaltung in Europa. Die Themen beschaffen sich mit manchmal gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragen, wie z.B. auch die Tsunami-Katastrophe in Asien.
Registrierung für dieses Treffen ist für Journalisten und andere Medienvetreter kostenlos.

For the first time, the EGU will hold its General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. A considerable attendance from the eastern European countries is expected and EGU 2005 promises to become a bigger event even than last year's in Nice. So far, 10,000 paper and poster abstracts have been submitted, against 8,000 last year.

This will be the largest and most prominent event in the earth and planetary sciences held in Europe today. Many sessions will be dedicated to subjects of great societal importance, such as geohazards and climate change.

The EGU General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over Europe and the rest of the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth and Planetary Sciences: geology, geomorphology, geochemistry, geophysics, geobiology and hazards research alike.

As EGU 2005 will be the first international science conference after the December 2004 Asian tsunami disaster, a special Union Symposium will be held presenting the latest reports from scientists who have been working in the area before and after the event.


The EGU General Assembly 2005 will be held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, from 24 - 29 April 2005. On Sunday, 24 April, registration will start at 14:00, and there will be an Opening & Union Award Ceremony in Hall A, 16:30 - 18:00, followed by an Open Reception in Foyer A, 18:30 - 20:30.

Press registration

Press registration - free for journalists, science writers and public information officers - is now open. Follow the link below.
EGU Press Room 2005:

Information on participating / attending:
Für Teilnamegebühren (Wissenschaftler, Studenten) und andere Details wird nach der unterstehende WWW-Adresse verwiesen. Unter diese Adresse werden Sie auch das "Pre-Registration Form" finden.


04/24/2005 14:00 - 04/29/2005 20:00

Event venue:

Austria Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
1220 Wien

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Teachers and pupils

Email address:



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Dr. Frederik M. van der Wateren



Event is free:


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