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10/23/2005 - 10/26/2005 | Darmstadt

1st International Symposium on Biological Control of Bacterial Plant Diseases

Following the first successful commercial development in the 1980s of strain K-84 of Agrobacterium radiobacter against crown rot of stone fruit in Australia, extensive work on biocontrol of bacterial diseases on many other host plants has been undertaken. In the case of fire blight, the potential replacement of the antibiotic streptomycin, which is not allowed in most of the European countries, has stimulated research in the field of biological control of this bacterial disease. But also for other bacterial diseases in field and horticultural crops, biocontrol methods are urgently needed. Therefore, with this symposium, a survey on the status of biocontrol measures on the most of the commercial crops should be initiated.
The organizing committee herewith invites all plant pathologists to initiate a broad discussion on all aspects of biological control of bacterial plant diseases. It should include the promotion and the development of environmentally safe control strategies, both current or as a potential future opportunity.

The Institute for Biological Control of the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA), together with the University of Darmstadt, will be pleased to welcome as many colleagues from worldwide as possible, and would like to thank in advance all those participants who will contribute and assist to make this first meeting successful and scientifically stimulating.

Scientific sessions

Principles of Biological Control: Antagonism, Induced Resistance, Plant Growth Promotion (Antagonistic microorganisms and natural compounds)
Chair: Heinrich Buchenauer, University Hohenheim, Germany

Biological Control of Bacterial Diseases in Field Crops
Chair: Samuel Gnanamanikam, University Madras, India

Biological Control of Bacterial Diseases in Horticulture
Chair: Maria López, I.V.I.A Moncada, Spain

Implementation of Biological Strategies in Integrated Disease Management
Chair: Klaus Rudolph, University Göttingen, Germany

Molecular Approaches in Biocontrol of Bacterial Diseases
Chair: Matthias Ullrich, International University Bremen, Germa

Special topics:
Biological Control of Fire blight
Chair: Wolfgang Zeller, BBA Darmstadt, Germany

Safety aspects of Biological Control of Bacterial Diseases
Chair: Sandra Wright, Göteborg University, Sweden

Information on participating / attending:
All abstracts of accepted papers will be published and distributed at the conference. Abstract forms and instructions will accompany the registration package. Abstract deadline is July 15, 2005

Camera-ready manuscripts of the Conference Proceedings must be mailed to the secretariat in due time. The required format of the manuscripts will be specified in the second circular. Additional information on the conference may be obtained by the following e-mail address:

Registration Fee
The registration fee is about 225 € (Euro) for Scientists and 125 € for Students, it covers one lunch per day, coffee, tea, snacks and the costs of the excursion. We plan to support students and colleagues from Eastern European countries and Developing nations.

Invited Lectures
Invited lectures will be presented by well-known scientists from different parts of the world.


10/23/2005 - 10/26/2005

Event venue:

Lufthansa Conference Centre
near Darmstadt above Seeheim/Bergstraße
64287 Darmstadt

Target group:

Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Biology, Environment / ecology, Information technology, Oceanology / climate, Zoology / agricultural and forest sciences

Types of events:




Dr. Gerlinde Nachtigall



Event is free:


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