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10/12/2007 - 10/12/2007 | Golm

A German-Israeli Symposium on Nanomedicine

Internationally recognized experts will present recent achievements in molecular diagnostics based on nanotechnological tools. These principles will open the door to personal diagnosis and therapy but also to bio-electronic circuitry.
A transdisciplinary audience is invited to discuss the perspectives of this fascinating field.

Academies Meet

A German-Israeli Symposium on Nanomedicine

Internationally recognized experts will present recent achievements in molecular diagnostics based on nanotechnological tools. These principles will open the door to personal diagnosis and therapy but also to bio-electronic circuitry.
A transdisciplinary audience is invited to discuss the perspectives of this fascinating field.


10.15 a.m. Opening

10.30 a.m. Itamar Willner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem/ Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities:
"Nanobiotechnology for sensing and electronic circuitry"

11:10 a.m. Frank F. Bier, Fraunhofer-Institut für Biomedizinische Technik - Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) Potsdam-Golm:
"Transcription and translation on the chip"

11:40 a.m. Israel Rubinstein, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot:
"Chemical and biological sensing using transmission localized surface plasmon resonance (T-LSPR) spectroscopy"

12.20 p.m. Lunch

1.00 p.m. Ziv Reich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot:
"Dielectric-based sensing, manipulation and tomography"

1:40 p.m. Daniel Müller, Technische Universität Dresden:
"Nanobiotechnological drug screening: Imaging, sensing and locating molecular compounds that drive cellular machines"

2:20 p.m. Ehud Gazit, Tel Aviv University:
"Self-assembly of peptides and proteins: From amyloid fibrils to nanotechnology"

3:00 p.m. Coffee break

3:20 p.m. Wolfgang Parak, Philipps-Universität Marburg:
"Multifunctional materials with colloidal nanoparticles and their application in life sciences"

4:00 p.m. Andreas Lendlein, Institute of Polymer Research, GKSS Forschungszentrum Teltow-Seehof:
"Multifunctional heterogeneous polymer systems"

4:40 p.m. Gunther Hartmann, University of Bonn:
"Biological properties of nucleic acid-based nanoparticles"

5:20 p.m. Peter Seeberger, ETH Zurich
"Exploiting carbohydrate-protein interactions for drug discovery: From microarrays to vaccines"

6:00 p.m. Closure

Scientific Organisers (Members of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities):

Professor Frieder W. Scheller, University of Potsdam (Institute for Biochemistry and Biology)
Professor Hermann E. Gaub, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich (Department of Physics)
Professor Reinhard Lipowsky, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm

Contact and information:
Professor F. W. Scheller
Phone: 0331/ 977-5121

Information on participating / attending:
Admission is free.


10/12/2007 10:15 - 10/12/2007 18:00

Event venue:

Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung
(Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces)
Wissenschaftspark Golm
Am Mühlenberg 1, Main Building (Great Lecture Hall)
D - 14476 Golm
14476 Golm

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars



Subject areas:

Biology, Chemistry, Information technology, Law, Materials sciences, Mathematics, Physics / astronomy, Politics

Types of events:




Gisela Lerch


Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Event is free:


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