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05/18/2009 - 05/21/2009 | Dresden

Fourth IEA Conference on Clean Coal Technologies

The world is facing a major challenge to meet its future energy supplies. The
IEA's Reference Scenario of World Energy Outlook 2007, projects growth in
world energy demand of 55% between 2005 and 2030. Fossil fuels will continue
to hold the dominant share in the world's energy mix, and world demand for coal
will continue to grow, rising in absolute terms by more than 70% between 2005
and 2030. These trends bring a continued growth in CO2 emissions and a threat
to the energy security of most countries.

The latest technologies for the sustainable use of coal will help to meet the
challenges of our energy future. With our united influence, this forthcoming event will address the wide range of coal-relevant issues and will provide a high-level forum for the exchange of information and expertise. The conference will cover the important topics of clean coal technology: from coal gasification to carbon capture and storage. At the most senior level we shall address strategic and political considerations to promote and advance clean coal technology. Keynote speakers will comment on the latest strategic assessments.

CCT2009 / 3rd Freiberg Topics list for the Technical Paper/Poster sessions

All aspects of clean coal technologies (CCTs); integrated coal gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) technologies; and conversion of coal, natural gas, biomass and wastes to liquids (XtL).

Topics may include but are not limited to:

Advanced technologies for clean and efficient coal-firing
Air pollutant behaviour, monitoring, and control
Assessment of clean coal technologies
Carbon capture, storage, and use
CCT/IGCC projects worldwide
Clean coal technologies - new developments
Coal cleaning technologies - new developments
Combustion and flames - new developments
Co-utilisation of coal, biomass, and other fuels
Coal, natural gas, biomass, and wastes to liquids - XtL technologies
Gasification - new developments
Hydrogen production
Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle technologies
National, international, and regional activities
Oxyfuel combustion
Routes to transportation fuels and liquid chemicals
Syngas and CO2-separation - new developments
Systems analysis for CCTs
Towards zero emissions power plants

If you would like to be associated with the conference visibly as an Exhibitor or Sponsor, please contact Jürgen-Friedrich Hake (Conference Chair) via jfh@fzjuelich. de or telephone +49 (0) 2461 61 6363.

Information on participating / attending:
Early registration before April 1st 2009 : Late registration
Delegate e500 : e600
Sponsors, Students e300 : e400
Accompanying Persons e100 : e100

Technical Tours
In addition to the regular conference program, three technical tours are offered:

* Technical tour on gasification technology in cooperation with the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC)
* Technical tour on oxyfuel-technology in cooperation with Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Power Engineering and Institute of Process Engineering
* Technical tour to the 'Schwarze Pumpe' facility in cooperation with Vattenfall Europe

Please note that there will be a small additional fee to contribute towards the costs of participation in these technical tours.
Call for papers 1 September 2008
Submission of abstracts 30 November 2008 (via
Acceptance of papers 15 January 2009
Submission of papers 1 March 2009

Registered office address:

IEA Clean Coal Centre
Gemini House,
10-18 Putney Hill,
London, SW15 6AA
United Kingdom

Tel +44 (0)20 8780 2111
Fax +44 (0)20 8780 1746

For information or help concerning abstract submission please contact Robert Davidson at


05/18/2009 - 05/21/2009

Event venue:

Maritim Hotel and International Congress Center
Devrientstr. 10/12
01067 Dresden, Germany
Phone 0049 351 2160
01067 Dresden

Target group:

Journalists, Scientists and scholars

Email address:



Subject areas:

Energy, Environment / ecology, Materials sciences, Physics / astronomy

Types of events:




Peter Schäfer



Event is free:


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