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06/10/2009 - 06/14/2009 | Heidelberg

1st Ignatz Bubis Summer School at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien in Heidelberg, June 10th-14th, 2009

"If not now, when?" - R. Hillel, Pirqei Avot 1:14

Whether dealing with processes of intra-communal integration, inter- as well as intra-religious pluralism, the on-going communal dialectics between Israel and the Diaspora, or the varieties of Jewish self-conception and identity - the Jewish community is facing various internal and external challenges today.
The Ignatz Bubis Summer School particularly aims at young Jewish adults from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, who want to take part in building and shaping the future of their communities.

The Ignatz Bubis School is a unique program held at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien in Heidelberg that offers the opportunity to discuss these current and future issues with communal leaders and professionals from various countries like Israel, the United States, England, Brazil, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. A wide range of workshops, seminars, lectures, and other activities will provide the framework for bringing together people from different denominational backgrounds and engaging them into an open-minded and fruitful discussion about common questions, concerns, and responsibilities.

The Ignatz Bubis Summer School particularly aims at young Jewish adults from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, who want to take part in building and shaping the future of their communities.
This year's Ignatz Bubis Summer School will focus on the question of Jewish leadership in the Diaspora communities: What intellectual resources, skills, and character are demanded from the new generation of Jewish leaders today? How can and must Jewish identity be reinforced by Jewish learning and Jewish values? How does Jewish leadership differ in the context of varying national and religious traditions? What challenges and demands lie in the mutual interaction between the community and leadership? How do and should Jewish leaders act as representatives of their community in their broader social context? These are some of the questions we hope to explore.

Information on participating / attending:
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Die Unterkunft wird übernommen, Anreise erfolgt auf eigene Kosten. Die Zahl der Schlafplätze ist begrenzt!


06/10/2009 - 06/14/2009

Event venue:

Friedrichstraße 9 und Landfriedstraße 12
69117 Heidelberg

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Subject areas:

Philosophy / ethics, Religion

Types of events:




Judith Weißbach



Event is free:


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