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07/09/2009 - 07/12/2009 | Berlin

Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion

Emotion and Motion - First conference in the series Habitus in Habitat

Emotions are central to human experience and behavior. They condition our actions and are inherent in all forms of communication. It has also become widely accepted that there is no cognition without emotion, suggesting that every formation of cognitive skills and epistemological faculties, every cultural practice and any form of human communication is accompanied by specific emotional habitualizations and the formation of an emotional habitus - a set of habits involved in emotional communication.

Eine Veranstaltung des Projekts "Emotion and Motion" des Zentrums für Literaturforschung, in Kooperation mit: Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Daniel S. Margulies, Arno Villringer), Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité (Thomas Schnalke), Association of Neuroesthetics (Alexander Abbushi)


T h u r s d a y, J u l y 9th

15:30 Conference Opening

16:00 Transference - Transmission - Negotiation (Moderator: Paula Droege):

Barbara Rosenwein: Emotional Communities and the Body
Christine Kirchhoff: Affected by the Other - Emotions in psychoanalysis
Erika Fischer-Lichte: Performing Emotions - How to conceptualize emotional contagion in performance

19:00 Exhibition Opening: THE GLASS VEIL by Suzanne Anker

F r i d a y , J u l y 10th

10:00 Spatial Emotions (Moderator: Gerhard Scharbert):

Jan Söffner: On Homesickness
Doris Kolesch: Motion and Emotion - Taking a walk in Versailles
Felicity Callard: Umbrellas, Lanterns and Companions - Propping the agoraphobic subject

14:00 Guided tour of Berlin Museum of Medical History:
Thomas Schnalke: The Body as Inventory and Environment - Tracing the Virchow concept of displaying human specimens

16:00 Corporeal Contagions (Moderator: Jörg Fingerhut):

Shaun Gallagher: Emotional Disruption and Delusional Experience
Daniel Margulies: Mirroring Systems and Emotional Contagion - Re-mapping the brain within a social habitat
Thomas Fuchs: Intercorporality: How embodied interaction shapes the mind and the brain
Ohad Parnes: From 'Self-Nonself Discrimination' to Mediation between the Body and its Environment - The recent paradigm shift in immunology and its historical roots

S a t u r d a y, J u l y 11th

10:00 Sensorium (Moderator: Ryan Cordell)

Alexander Thiele: Attention - How the brain enables (conscious) perception
Arno Villringer: The Body and its Representation in the Brain
Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek: Shame and Grace
Sabine Flach: Lament in Contemporary Arts

14:30 Crossing Aesthetics (Moderator: Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink)

Michel Chaouli: Aesthetic Feeling in the Critique of Judgement
Alexander Abbushi: Artistic Practice - Sound - Space - Art
Jin Hyung-Kim: Embodiment of Musical Expressiveness
John Krois: Experiencing Emotion in Depictions - Being moved without motion

18:00 Locomotion (Moderator: Ida Momennejad)

Marta Braun: Animal Locomotion - The bodies reveal
Erik Porath: Situation and Motion - The art of expression in Fiedler and Freud

S u n d a y, J u l y 12th

10:00 Ritual and Revelation (Moderator: Perdita Ladwig)

Robert Turner: Ritual Action Shapes our Brains
Heike Schlie: The Excentric Crucifixion
Barbara Larson: Through Stained Glass - Communities of reverence and revelation in early avant-garde circles

12:30: Finissage: TWIST by Alexia Walther, funded by ProHelvetia (

Information on participating / attending:


07/09/2009 15:30 - 07/12/2009 13:30

Event venue:

Ruine des Rudolf-Virchow-Hörsaals,
Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum
Schumannstr. 20/21, Berlin-Mitte
10117 Berlin

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students

Email address:



Subject areas:

Art / design, Cultural sciences, Language / literature, Media and communication sciences

Types of events:




Sabine Zimmermann


Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZFL)

Event is free:


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