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03/22/2010 - 03/23/2010 | Berlin

World TB Day: On the move against tuberculosis - Fighting multidrug resistance & HIV-TB coinfection

Fourth Scientific Symposium on the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day 2010 Berlin, March 22 and 23, 2010

Bringing together experts in tuberculosis control from two high burden WHO regions: Africa and Euro; presentation and discussion of specific problems in tuberculosis spread in the two WHO regions, exchange of expertise and experiences in control of HIV-TB comorbidity and of multidrug resistance (MDR-TB)

Koch-Metchnikov-Forum, Langenbeck-Virchow-House, Luisenstr. 59, 10117 Berlin;
Secretariat: Sven Stabroth,, Tel.: +49-30-2345-7722

In cooperation with: WHO-HQ Geneva; WHO-Euro, Copenhagen; ECDC, Stockholm; Robert Koch Institute, Berlin; KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Hague; Stop TB Forum Germany, Berlin; Charité University Medicine, Berlin; Stellenbosch University, South Africa; Central Tuberculosis Research Institute, Moscow, Russia; Metchnikov-Academy, St. Petersburg; Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia; WHO-Office Moscow, Russia; Institute for Tuberculosis, Moldova.

German Federal Ministry of Health;
TB Alliance, FIND, AERAS Global TB Vaccine Foundation,
Becton Dickinson Diagnostics, Hain Lifesciences, Fatol, Carl Zeiss, INSTAND

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Monday, March 22, 2009

18.00h Opening

Welcome remarks
O. Schulte, Federal Ministry of Health, Germany
H. Hahn, Koch-Metchnikov-Forum, Berlin

T. Ulrichs, KMF, Berlin:
"TB in Ancient Egypt - paleoepidemiology of tuberculosis"

R. Loddenkemper, DZK Berlin:
"100th anniversary of Koch's death - Robert Koch and tuberculosis"

19.30h Welcome reception

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
9.00h Session 1:
Epidemiology, current data and trends in the WHO regions
Chairs: C. Gunneberg, T. Ulrichs

C. Gunneberg, WHO/HQ, Geneva:
"TB and TB/HIV in Africa and the world: the global situation and recent trends"

N.C. Gey van Pittius, Stellenbosch University:
"Problem setting - epidemiology current data and trends"

F. Marx, KMF, Berlin:
"Recurrence of tuberculosis and treatment default - an analysis of TB program data from the Western Cape Province, South Africa"

G. Gergert, CTRI, Moscow:
"TB surveillance and TB drug resistance in the Russian Federation"

B. Brodhun, RKI, Berlin:
"Tuberculosis - trends in Germany with a special focus on migrants and drug resistance"

B. Hauer, RKI, Berlin:
"Tuberculosis in the elderly in Germany"

11.00h Coffee break

11.30h Session 2:
Innovation in diagnostics - lessons learnt in Africa and Europe
Chairs: S. Rüsch-Gerdes, R. O'Brien

S. Rüsch-Gerdes, FZ-Borstel:
"Challenges in tuberculosis diagnostics in Africa and Europe"

R. Diel, Hamburg:
"New development in the evidence base for TB infection testing"

V. Crudu, Moldova:
"TB diagnostics in the Republic of Moldova"

12.30h Lunch break

13.30h Session 2, continued

R. O'Brien, FIND, Geneva:
"Molecular diagnostics for tuberculosis: moving testing closer to the patient"

D. Storm, BD, Heidelberg:
"Drug resistant TB and data management: from survey to surveillance"

D. Hain, Hain Diagnostics, Nehren:
"Implementation of Line Probe Tests in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Win-Win Situation"

General discussion

14.30h Session 3:
Innovation in research for new drugs
Chairs: M. Laurenzi, H. Hahn

M. Laurenzi, TB Alliance, New York:
"Progress in developing improved TB treatments"

M. Stehr, HZI Braunschweig:
"Novel targets for antituberculous Drug Development"

R. Gounden, Stellenbosch University:
"Clinical Pharmacology of TB drugs used in developing countries - Which information is available and needs for future clinical trials"

15.30h Coffee break

16.00h Session 4:
Innovation in public health measures
Chairs: R. Zaleskis, R. Loddenkemper

R. Zaleskis, WHO Euro, Copenhagen:
"Challenges for the implementation of the Stop TB Strategy in the WHO European Region"

K. Vladimirov, Metchnikov Academy, St. Petersburg:
"Tuberculosis and HIV-infection in the penal institutions of St. Petersburg"

N. Skrynnik, TB dispensary No. 12, St. Petersburg:
"Tuberculosis in the centre of megapolis"

M. Dara, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Hague:
"Addressing Drug Resistant TB, from project to programmatic approach"

D. Sissolak, Stellenbosch University:
"TB management and control in a resource poor high TB and HIV burden hospital setting"
A. Panteleev, TB hospital No. 2, St. Petersburg: "TB among HIV - infected patients in St. Petersburg"

A. Svistelnik, Federal TB-Institute, Novosibirsk:
"System regularities and the TB situation in Siberia and Far East"

General discussion

18.30h Coffee break

19.00h Session 5:
Epidemiology - reports and strategies
Chairs: D. Manissero, H. Hahn

D. Manissero, ECDC, Stockholm:
"ECDC/WHO 2010 Joint TB surveillance report for Europe: the EU TB challenge, specific threats and perspectives"

R. Zaleskis, WHO Euro, Copenhagen:
"ECDC/WHO 2010 Joint TB surveillance report for Europe: regional findings"

D. Falzon, WHO, Geneva:
"TB drug resistance a global threat and a European reality: presentation of the WHO Global report on M/XDR-TB Surveillance and Response"

General discussion on findings of WHO and ECDC surveillance reports

20.00h End of the symposium

Information on participating / attending:
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, Anmeldung erwünscht.


03/22/2010 18:00 - 03/23/2010 20:00

Event venue:

Luisenstr. 59
10117 Berlin

Target group:

Scientists and scholars, Students



Subject areas:

Medicine, Nutrition / healthcare / nursing, Politics, Social studies

Types of events:




Sebastian Frölich



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